Cantore's 1/1 scale model of Herod's Temple


New Member
To get an idea of the scope of this model, I will tell you the dimensions of this model. It has taken me almost 3 months to make it, but you'll see why.

In the server that I was in, I had no mod priveledges. But, the glowstone was spawned by the admin of our server (too many torches would have had to be laid to keep out the mobs). The gold for the temple was bought via a store mod on the server. Cash was earned by selling objects or by killing mobs.


Towers: 12 block x 12 block square for the front towers. 25 blocks high.
Front Enterance - 70 blocks wide; 16 blocks high; 6 blocks thick (hollowed)
Sides - almost 150 blocks long; 16 blocks high; 6 blocks thick (hollowed with housing and markets).

PS- all of the tops of those pillars were made from actual mined Gold block, and not the store mod... took about 1 week, just for the gold to do that.

Temple is VERY large... I think it was something like 35 blocks high, and made from wool, Gold blocks, diamond blocks, yellow wool, glass, stone, and you name it.

Beneath the temple, there is a large farm. Also, there is a 98 x 96 block maze that took me about a week to make. I used MCEdit to make this though (solid bedrock)... and it was made after the server shut down, and I had taken the temple out of the server. The maze is not lit, and will contain mobs. At the end, there is a portal to the Netherworld. I intended this portal to go to another VERY beautiful place (like heaven), but that portal mod would have to be installed.

I was hoping to get involved on the Minecraft server, and possible have this Temple put into the server. I have the capability to do this myself, but permissions would have to be given, or I could just give this file to someone who could. I would REALLY love for the Christian community to enjoy this work, and possibly continue to improve on it. Is this possible??
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I realized that most of my pictures were in the night. Here is a few more. Hopefully ya'll will like them. :)
Yes, as a matter of fact it is the Inner Courts.

As you can see, I have the Women's Court, and the Temple courts included in this. Beneath the Temple itself (under it) is a farm (shown in the 9th pic). It was understood when I was building this that this would be a city where all the players would own a house and a store within the Women's court. It was meant to be a starting point to Minecraft, a safe haven, and a place where everyone could get EVERYTHING that they need to build with, as well as for survival within minecraft.

Beneath the Women's Court, is a VERY elaborate maze. At the end is a portal. The idea of the maze was to portal to a new land (like heaven), where one could start over, and build more. PVP and Mobs would be turned off there, and thus it would have been a peaceful city within to build and enjoy. However, such a mod does not exist on this server (as of yet).

If you ever want to see this Temple in-game, I have a private and laggy server where I have worked on this Temple further, and I could let you view it in person if you want. I would just set up a time that works well for you and I, give you the IP address, and I would give you the tour.

Oh, and BTW, the cross that you see in the last picture of the first set of pics that I posted is within the Holy of Holies. It is lit by natural lighting from glass that rises to the top of the back of the outer temple. It creates a nice effect of natural lighting within that place. The two glass pillars on either side of the cross contain lava. The idea was to light it naturally by day, and by fire at night... as if to portray the presence of God in the days of the tabernacle. Since Christ's work was finished on the Cross, I thought that this symbol would be best shown within the Holy of Holies; right above the golden mercy seat.
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I have been working on my secret project for about 3 more months now. The result is what I have now built in Minecraft: Herod's Temple, complete with the Temple Mount itself, as well as the northern fortress. I hope it inspires and gives joy to all who see it.
Last but not least..

BTW- the pic of the Eastern side of the wall appears to be built upon water... it was. I ran out of room on this map, and had to start building on the water itself. It literally swallowed up most of the lake, it is so large.
Sccchhwwweeet! Very nice job. I like the way you use the glowstone. Very artistically done. Is that a texture pack you are using to get the look that you have?

Very good job!
Thanks for sharing!
this looks awesome. This is really well done. BTW, might i ask what texture pack you are using? i use LB's photo realism 64x64 most the time.
Hey guys,

Thanks for the complements.

This is the Texture Pack I've ALWAYS used. I've never really seen better (that runs well with Minecraft Multiplayer anyhow). I do like the Realism Texture packs, but I did find that I like a lot of these (Misa's) textures better (not as dark), and they run a lot smoother when I'm trying to load new terrain while using a minecart. Anyhow.. check out the link below for the Texture pack if you like them.
Hey ALL! :)

I am looking for a server in which I may place this VERY large structure.

I do realize that the current server already has a Herod's Temple, and so this is simply not an option to have 2 on there... and rightfully so [my respects to the efforts and time of those working on that project! :) ].