Casual game night, this tuesday...

Hey Cap,

At this point, not officially, but I don't see a reason why *not* to make it tuesdays, except that some people can't make it. I've got a bunch of things to take care of this evening, but I'll pop on for an hour or so this evening, maybe 8pm EST, but don't let me hold you up if you get there early. It only takes a few people on the server to get it a game going!
I won't be able to make tonight's gaming session as my wife and I are celebrating 6 years of wedded bliss. Have fun though and know that I'll be at the next one!
nice Eliha and congrats...I'll try to make it in. It maybe around 7:30 CST though.
Thanks for the rounds guys, gg all around...except for Whon. I think he had a personal vendetta against me.
someone has to have the vendetta I guess it's mine turn :)