CGA Monthly Newsletter

Que Pasa

Active Member
As editor of the CGA Newsletter, I am pleased to welcome you to our first edition. As such these articles cover a broad chronological spectrum. Many of you are unfamiliar with all of the groups that form the Christian Gamers Alliance, and we hope that this creates a chance for you to understand what is happening in a brief newsletter format.

Pure Fun: Tom McGuire
Pure Fun provides game reviews from a Christian perspective, pointing out potentially objectionable content. New features on the website include a redesigned Game Info program, which will allow users to hone in on the game they want to find info about. Also, the site has over 40 members and 2,500 visitors since the site launch on December 1st.

CCGR: Cheryl Gress
CCGR is hosting the UT2004 beta demo. Be sure to download it if you haven't already!

Few Left Standing
FLS is currently rebuilding their competition roster, as this Cyberathelete Amateur League season went less than satisfactory. FLS is also currently searching for a way to fundraise to get a match server, for the upcoming CAL season. FLS is in search of a few good men for their team.

Creation in Digitalhttp://www.creationindigital.com
Latest submissions:
Illusion by Firewasp
Mach by Firewasp
A Million Miles Away From You by Fabier
Christ In Me
Last Drop Falls by Fabier
Shady Hollow by Michael
Floating Sphere by livetoserve

Latest happenings:
Things have been fairly busy in my life as of late and I haven't put much
time into developing CiD. One of the recent reminders I've had and felt I
should share with y'all is that friends and family are not going to be on
this earth forever. Three friends of the family, all in their teens and two
of whom we grew up with, were in a car accident. Two survived and are in
comas with more of a chance of staying in the coma for several years than
fully recovering. It is shocking. Someone that any of us take for granted
in our lives could be gone the next day. We will see them in heaven but we
never know when that will be and it is painful without them. I encourage
you to take advantage of every "Golden Moment", that is, all the
opportunities we have ever day to love others. To quote Gladiator, "What we
do in life echoes in eternity". -Andrew (BlazeQ)

Tribe of Judahhttp://www.toj.cc
Tribe of Judah has been making some headway, Knights of the Trinity, our Dark Age of Camelot chapter has been rebuilding and member cleaning over the past month. Our Counter-Strike team is not currently playing in any leagues, but we are preparing to make return to league play. Our newest chapter is X-Box Live, and while it is still in it's infancy, this could be one of our more popular chapters.

Tribe of Judah President Tek7 is working hard to maintian ToJ and CGA at once, any help that can be given will be gladly accepted, drop an e-mail to or per your preference.