Christian Halo 3 pro team forming (formerly "URGENT READ!")


New Member
Hello, this is Matthew aka Raidar aka Legato (what most of you guys know me by). Well, I’m going to try to get to the point but I will admit, it is still a long read. Basically, I now consider myself a “real” Christian. Sure, I have always believed but that’s like an oxymoron now. How could I believe and not obey God’s commandments to the fullest? Anyways, I was saved on Sunday and now that I am, I feel good. So good in fact, that I want to share this experience with others.

I’ve decided to make a ministry as a way to reach out to others. My ministry will be in the form of a pro gaming team. I know, it does sound a little strange but hear me out. I have been playing with this idea for awhile now but just haven’t put it into motion yet because of the fact that I didn’t consider myself a Christian at the time.

Let me give you some background information first. I’m not sure how many of you have heard of Major League Gaming (MLG) but the 08 season will start in April. Starting this season ESPN will also cover these events.

What I want to do is create a Halo 3 team and compete in these events. If you have ever been in a secular gaming clan or group it is quite evident that many gamers are atheist. When you try to explain what Christ did for us, most atheists won’t listen. I believe it is because they already have an image (a false image) in their head about what Christianity is.

So I propose, for the fact that I know hardcore gamers respect skill in game, we minister to these people by becoming a pro team. We will gain the respect of these people in need of Christ, so that they may hear what God wants them to hear.

If we actually place in the pro bracket, I can honestly see somebody doing a story on us. This will expose us more and may lead to some curious people that we can help guide into the light. We would also be on ESPN further exposing what Christianity is about.

What I need now are 3 other Halo 3 gamers interested in joining my ministry. I could use more help as well. All help is welcomed but I know of 6 things, as of now, that would help. If you find it in your heart to do so, I ask you to pray for us. Please Copy this post and post it on other forums. Help us with scrimmages and if you know allot about the game come and teach us. Donate any amount to this ministry (at a later date). Also we would like to have some sponsors.

I plan on to ask many Christian sites and companies closer to the event. Basically we could wear a t-shirt with their logo and when we get a site up, have them under sponsors and various other things. If we become good enough I think we would generate enough traffic for it to be worthwhile. If you know anybody or company that might be interested please have them contact me or tell me how to contact them.

I’m not sure how many people will be interested in this but I’ll type some requirements and some things that are good for you to have.

- Must be a Christian and put every ounce of effort into being like Christ

- Obviously must have Halo 3, an Xbox 360, and Xbox Live

- Must be able to get to live events (the first one is near New York, April 11-12.)(Don’t worry so much about cost, I’m sure we can find sponsors, just be allowed to go, if that means paying for a plane ticket or driving you myself that’s fine)

- Wiliness to learn the game (You don’t have to be good; time will take care of that.)

- Wiliness to learn to minister (this is why we are here, we need to gain an ear first but afterwards we need to know what to say in that ear)

- Wiliness to practice (most pros play over 8 hours a day, now I don’t expect that from even myself but I need someone who is committed to this team.)

- Being on the east coast and the closer you are to Winchester Virginia, the better. I want to be able to LAN since it is quite different from Xbox Live. (If you’re from Oregon go ahead and do it anyway, I just want someone to be on when I’m on.)

I think that’s about it, I’m not really sure, if I have other questions I will ask you later.

If you are interested in joining or helping you can reach me at (this email will be active for a week maybe more, it depends).

If you want to join the team email me this completed application –

Name- (first name)
Gamer tag- (main one)
Rank -
Do you meet all requirements?
Any additional information –





LOL like 5, I’ve only been playing since Sunday and created this account today. I am a nub but trust me, I learn quickly and will become a top notch player soon enough.

Yes, I meet all the requirements.

I like to play support, BR is my favorite weapon, my favorite map is Guardian but Iso looks real fun with a team that can team shoot, my favorite type of game is Oddball. I’ve been playing for 3 days now but am naturally good at console FPS. I have read quite a bit about competitive Halo 3 and feel that I know enough to be a good player; I just need some experience to get my BR and other skills to where it needs to be.

Also when you join the team, what ever cash prizes you win you will keep. Now of course giving alms is encouraged.

Woot, I finished! I’m sure I missed something though, o well, thanks for reading and God bless.
Hello Matthew,

Congratulations for coming to christ on sunday! That must be truly an awesome feeling. I found alot of what you said very interresting. While i'm not so quick to sign up for your team, i will certainly play/scrim with you. Right now my xbox is broken, and i'm waiting for it to be repaired... but when i get it up and running i would love to hook up and play a few rounds. I'm a fairly competent player i have reached 39 in lone wolf, and 30+ in team slayer.

Correct me if i'm wrong, Your 17, and you just started playing Halo 3? what makes you think you will enjoy the game as much as you insinuate?(sp?)

Well, get back to me here, or at my email

I've always been a big fan of halo every since it first came out. It just so happend that I didn't have an Xbox anymore when Halo 2 came out and I didn't have enough money to buy a 360 but my dad bought it for me this Sunday.

I have been keeping track of MLG for a very long time. I watch VoD for hours so I figured, its more fun playing than watching. I like the game, I like MLG, and I like it when you can do that for a higher purpose. I don't see me getting tired of this game any times soon. Proof - I played it more than a day. I tend to drop games with in a day or two, if not I play it for quite some time. For example, I still played Starcraft last year.