Chuck Norris was finally taken out.


Active Member
By an arrow to the knee.

General chat in SWTOR was as bad as Barrans chat ever was except its non stop xx to the knee jokes. No mention of Chuck.
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TheMonkey once ate a banana and left the peel on the ground. Chuck Norris came walking by and stepped on the banana peel and caused TheMonkey to slip and fall

TheMonkey does not leave banana peels on the ground anymore!
I saw the commercial, but didn't realize that he was actually a character in the game... I thought it was just for the commercial.

Somehow though I suspect that he lacks the time to play a game like that and level grind to anything very strong, he probably started at a high level, maybe only playing for a month's time total.
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is this joke based off Skyrim's soldiers talking about taking an arrow in the knee?