Cloning Souls?

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]The world is Evidence enough for me, because there is no other logic explaination for how it got here.

There are PLENTY of others, you simply choose not to acknowledge them.

If I die believing there is no God, I will die a happy man. I will have died never giving in to peer pressure, never believing in something without proof and without good reason. If God chooses to fry me for that, then more power to Him. Ultimately, the fault will be His, not mine.

I refuse to build my life around Pascal's Wager. It's utter nonsense.
If the argument to God were flawless, everyone would acknowledge His existence, no?

[b said:
Quote[/b] ] It is merely unaccepted by the scientific community becuase the refuse the Bible as truth.

This is a HORRIBLE statement, due to its gross inaccuracy. The Scientific Community doesn't REFUSE anything. There is a lack of EVIDENCE, of PROOF, to believe in the Bible as Divine. Do you see the HUGE CHASM of difference in your statement and mine? Yours suggests that there is some overwhelming truth that the scientific community acknowledges yet purposefully ignores. That is an ignorant, inaccurate statement.
I see no lack of evidence, everything the Bible has said has or will happen, there is to much truth in the Bible for it to be ignored. Critique me if you will, but I stand on the Truth of the Bible. Do you know the chances of 8 proficies being fulfilled, 1 X 10 to the seventeenth power. That is about the same as covering the state of texas two feet deep with silver dollars and marking one red, then blindfolding you, lowering you anywhere in texas allowing you to choose one of the silver dollars and it being the one. 300 prophecies about Jesus came true. Coinsidence? I doubt it.
Prophecies are a subject unto themselves. They aren't as cut and dry as you'd like to believe.

That being said, my point still rests on your subjective truths. You see what you want to see and avoid any complications. You read into the Bible what you want to in order to justify your beliefs. If that WEREN'T true, there would only be ONE translation necessary and there would only be ONE denomination.
no. the demonimations are caused by people who trust in PEOPLE to read THEM the bible. you needa read it yourself. 4 example homosexual christians. it states PLAINLY in the first chapter of romans, and somewhere in leviticus that homosexuals will be punished by God because of their continual um... actions. I don't know why the heck they try to defend themselves sayaying "god loves everyone!" yes that is true. but you need to make the choice to love him!
And You can do some research about bible translations. we (at least i am) busy with HW! >.< you gotta job. i would rather have one. work. NO HOMEWORK!! WHOOOOHOO! i can't wait.
we have about the same hrs as you but we get to do work at home. teachers say: well. i dont give u enufff. os i give you more.

*falls down*
ends up other teachers have 4 tests same week. that's what happens at my school.