Competition Team try-outs

Thanks guys. I had a blast. Para when are the results going to be posted? I would also like to thank Para for putting this all together and staying there watching us all scrim. Had Fun guys thanks.
Man I can't wait to find out who made it! If Imake it I'm going to through litle pieces of paper up in the air and go weeeeeeeeee!
What a party?  No, I was thinking more along the lines of something like Mardi Gra but less naked people, beer, and drugs.
well guys, i figured i'd add my own thoughts to this board about the try outs... i had a blast... i know i was made leader of team 2, but with my mic not workin right, i wanna give a shout out to mr t for steppin up and helpin me out... we had some great teamwork there guys... after t and divine switched though, my mic cut out almost completely... divine, thanks for actin as leader while i tried to work on it... no worries bout the plans not workin though... i know you didnt know that map too well, but even though we had a lower score, i'm glad you had the opportunity to lead man (i refuse to say we lost, cause we didnt actually LOSE anything... we gained a lot in experience and fellowship and all
)... hey yangsta, we make a good team with me runnin in circles bein a decoy and you sniping people that try and kill me haha

anyway guys, i thought that everybody i played with did VERY well, and i cant wait to see the results of this
What!?! You mean your from NO, I'd never have guessed were you born there? Oh yeah, is the food as good as they say it is? I love spice food!