Congnomedrum respec?

Blizzard has always stated that the game is not balanced around 1v1 PvP.

Again, if you want to do damage as a warrior, and really see what you can do, you re-spec to all arms/fury, either 31 arms or 31 fury, but you don't have any in protection.

You do not get a complete picture of a dps warrior without being all arms/fury spec'd, and not having your gear/weapon centered on dps output.

Warriors do fine damage in dps mode, and they can still take much more damage then a clothie. Warriors are a great class, and have choices on play style that pure damage dealers do not.

Pure damage dealers are always going to top out on damage meters, as they should. But with the right spec and gear, warriors can run with them.

The "appreciable buff" you are wanting for a new 60 warrior is called the 'instancerunbuff' :)

Sure, you might not be able to do as much damage as a 'naked caster' at the same level, but you can sure take more damage then they can. So, it is a trade off. It is what makes each class unique and fun to play:)

if you get into beserker stance, you can break fears and such with Beserker Rage..that'll throw them off the first go round. the 30 second cooldown kills the shot at a repeat tho. However, if you're feared/dot'd and you're in beserker mode, you're gaining rage & can use an intercept, to get back at it.

Every class has their ups and downs. As a mage, I learn to keep melee folks at a distance, distance folks close, and find a way to interrupt casters. I'm not that good at 1v1, so I don't duel often.

But as Angie said, if you can get into a group and keep someone entertained, the distance folks and sit back and safely nuke your opponants while your healer is keeping you alive.

The thing that keeps PvP interesting is that it can't be scripted. You can have general plans, but for each of your plans, the hordies have plans too - so you just have to go off the cuff.

Sometimes you're the fly, sometimes you're the windshield. Plan to be the windshield.
Hang in there, Mike!

It took me FOREVER to get the gear that I have:

+242 Dmg & Healing
+50 Frost spells
+3% Crit
+2% Hit

With only one epic (the Dungeon 2 Gloves).

I'm still trying to figure out how Randy passed me up on the damage meters, but I suspect it happened around the arena timeframe. :)
When I first started to do PvP on Osk, I quickly realized that doing damage was not going to be my thing. So when in PvP, I use what I have to assist those around me.

When I PvP on Grimgear, it is the same thing. Sometimes I can get a lucky string of crits and take another class out, however my main focus is to use charge, hamstring, piercing howl and shout debuffs to help the other classes take out the target.
You have a plan when you PvP??? Well I guess I do to, that being stay alive as long as possible and take out as many as I can before I go.
Well, there are general plans.... beyond "kill them before they kill me"

Holding strategic areas is always a nice thing. Having someone keeping an eye out for flankers, etc usually helps.

I noticed in WSG that everyone wants to run in and grab the flag while 0-2 people try to defend against 5 horde. Bad Move. Conversely, I've seen all 10 stay in the base and defend to farm kills (which is silly, since there are diminishing returns with each successive kill on the same player)
True, there are other strategies... and I don't really like to work alone in any BG anyhow. I just have to be extra careful to never take on any class 1v1. To be honest, while playing cautiously I tend to maintain a 1:1 ratio between kills and deaths, while working with others to accomplish goals.... but if I am ever separated, I am toast. 100% of the time. :(
Mike, you posted dmg of a mid 50 healer vs you. Did you take into account that a naked healer would run out of mana about 4 smites in and not be able to do anything after that. Hitting someone with a staff might get 40-70 per hit if lucky. I would assume the same to be true of a naked resto druid. I think every class has to run instances adnauseum to get what they need to be able to put themselves on the meters. The casters need to run the instances to be able to sustain their dmg (+ spell dmg, +int, +spi, +mana etc.) and the melee'ers need to get better gear to take and give dmg. If you want to rank up in the meters (which I think are an awful addition to the game most of the time) you'll need to decide that you aren't a hybrid and are a pure dps (until you can get uber "hybrid" gear or an uber dps set and an uber tanking set) that point you may find that you may not be able to tank very well and even as an off-tank you may leave something to be desired..but own the game for your the class the way you want to and good luck with getting your uber drops :)

BTW - I have 2 60's and Ryer (my hunter) was a 60 for a couple of months before I started Wend. I ran as many instances as I could (hunters weren't a class that was readily accepted in instances when Terenas was young) and my hunter still has pitiful gear compared to what I could have even outside of MC, AQ, ZG etc. Wend has been 60 for almost a year and she finally has all but 2 of the pieces that I want for her mana/regen set. I can't even begin to imagine how many instances she has run. Perhaps Congnomedrum just needs to run more instances :D (I know I sure enjoy running instances with ya..anytime you need a hunter or priest just give me a tell if I'm on a lower char)
True they would go oom pretty quickly naked... but w/ a few greens they would have plenty of mana to take me down. :)

No doubt my little gnome needs to run more instances. Right now, when I run I am primarily focusing on tank gear (though if pvp warrior gear drops and I get it all the better). The idea is that since all the great pvp stuff is really in the later game instances, I might as well focus on what I can do best until I have the gear. Being prot specced shouldn't hurt when trying to find groups outside the guild... but to be honest I haven't run a lot of pugs @60. From my little experience with them, I have not been favorably impressed. Seems like people act a bit differently @60 during instance runs than people seem to act going from 1-59. Much more angry, and vitriolic over items. So at least for now, I have been levelling up my priest in between guild runs that I can attend.
Wow, it took a week to get my account activated so I can post here :)

Hang in there Mike, it took me a long time to get my gear to where it is, and I'm still not close to checking things off of my pre-MC wishlist.

I currently have:
+242 Damage and Healing (all schools)
+50 Frost spells
+3% Crit to spells
+2% Hit to spells

If I remove 2% from crit, I can use my mini-TOEP for an addiational +100 damage for 15 seconds, every 90 seconds.

Randy flew past me around Rend, and I am still trying to figure out why...granted as was a little more chatty towards the conclusion of the UBRS run. It was a real fun time to finally run full instances with The Forgiven, and a great blessing.
