Correct Tag


New Member
What's the official Tribe of Judah tag? According to one page I saw, it's [], but everyone abbreviates Tribe of Judah as ToJ, so would the tag be []? Also, I've seen one or 2 people using [†] with the cross for the T. Which should we use?

I ask because I think we should present a consistent tag while playing in STA just so there's no confusion about whether everyone's a full member, we're running recruits or ringers, etc. I think we all should use the same tag.
Gotta change my cross one anyways, screws up the coding on some stat sites. XD

There's also the question about spacing our names after the tag, or keeping them together. ([]Keero, [] Keero)
Official tag is []Player. Lowercase t, lowercase j, and no space between tag and player name.

We can always modify that if we reach a general consensus and staff approve the change, but that's the official tag right now.
Our leader has spoken!

Everyone please use the proper tag for the match tomorrow night. :)
Mine's []whon, just cuz if I keep the toj lower case then I like seeing my name lower case...