Crafting Mat. Request


New Member
Howdy Y'all,

I am trying to level up my tailoring right now and am in serious need of embersilk cloth.

I would normally just dump money into the AH, but with embersilk cloth going for 70+g a stack, i would prefer to get the via other means.

I am farming it but still need over 1000 cloth... If anyone has any cloth they would be willing to spare I would not mind paying for it, as long as it is more reasonable than the AH.

Let me know!

Not sure where you are farming it, but the best place, bar none is the restless front in Tol Barad. Tons of mobs fighting out there that have like 19k health each, and some mobs that arent fighting that only have 38k health each. Easy kills to say the least. They drop from 2-4 embersilk cloth each, when they actually drop cloth. In about an hour there I can get a full 22 slot bag full of cloth stacks.
snap crackle and pop! Thats more awesome than a whole box of rice crispies!

Thanks for the heads up... I will get on farming soon.. sadly my tailoring toon is not high enough lvl to do it themselves... which would be nice since the increased chance for cloth drops... rawr...
Yeah, that is true. I did not think about that. I dont know if they drop the same amount of cloth regardless, but you are probably right. Get to leveling!!! :)