Dear Redeemed: I challenge you


New Member
Seeing all these posts about people leaving the game or even planning on it gives the old man here a bit of a heart ache. Thankfully, it is wonderful that some of our past "active" members continue to visit with us through this forum. I do know that it is a personal decision of how to spend your $15 a month. Not only that, I do understand the priorities of life truly put this silly game at the bottom of the list. I applaud those who leave the game as they strive to follow the Lord and keep life's priorities straight. I just want you to know that I love you each of you as my brothers and sisters in Christ. Many of you interact with me more than some of my family members and local church members! Thus the pain...the heart ache of having less of a connection with you when you leave. When one of us moves on, I hate losing contact and interaction with that individual - someone with whom I have rejoiced in your blessings, prayed with you for your needs and concerns. We accept each other no matter our own strange ways and conduct.

I just want to toss this challenge out to each of the guild members: If for some reason or other we never get to meet in game again, will you meet me in heaven? There we can join together - with saints from all of time - in worshiping our Redeemer face to face! I challenge you!
There we can join together - with saints from all of time - in worshiping our Redeemer face to face!

What an awesome thought! Thank you Sam!
Nice post Sambeau. Yeah, the guild is really neat and it feels like real friends/family. It's kind of neat for me being Canadian and I get to interact with mostly Americans. :) I get a feel of what u guys think about certain things and I get to defend Barak. :D