

New Member
apparently its been updated and is out of BETA

could you techie guys check it out and see if its ready to be used? I only used it for like a week or something last year before it went byebye.

I dont use mods except a few minor ones, but I think this might be needed for gruuls lair and places like that? I dont want one that has a healing mod in it because then I have to figure out how to turn the healing stuff off and only have the decurse on there.. too complicated for me as I like healing the way I have been.


I have just got used to using X-Perl to help me there. X-perl will color code a unit frame's background so that I know if someone is poisoned, cursed, etc...

It's not quite one click like decurse used to be, but it's very helpful.... still I too would be curious to hear how this updated addon works.
I've been using SmartDebuff to decurse. It's pretty nice - it displays all raid members in a window. You can click a person to decurse them.
I've been using SmartDebuff since Decursive broke at the 2.0 patch. It's worked very well for me. It draws an extra set of boxes, but offers 1-click cleansing.

You can download it here. It hasn't been updated for the patch, but I'm not having any trouble with it.
Decursive is constantly being updated as part of the WowAce library. I haven't been decursing anything lately and don't have any opinion concerning it in relation to other mods.
after playing with decursive the other night, I found that I still like SmartDebuff a little better. Each has their own pros and cons, so use whichever you're most comfortable, and happiest with.