"Defenders” Class

Hi All,
we will continue tonight at 7pm EST.

Regarding the channel name, there is still confusion. We currently have:

-+- Christian Gamers Alliance TeamSpeak Server
..+- CGA General Channel
..+-+-Bible Study Sun-Fri 10pm ET
.....+-- 7pm Bible Study
..+-+-Tribe of Judah
.....+-- ...
.....+-- "Defenders" class - Sun 9pmET
.....+ ...

ideally I would like do see these two deleted:
.....+-- 7pm Bible Study
.....+-- "Defenders" class - Sun 9pmET

and have instead
.....+-- Bible Study "Defenders" class Sun 7pmET

and have it here:

-+- Christian Gamers Alliance TeamSpeak Server
..+- CGA General Channel
..+-Bible Study Sun-Fri 10pm ET
..+-Bible Study "Defenders" class Sun 7pmET

Until this is updated we will meet in the channel with "Defenders" in the title.

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As promised, here is a link the the Bart Ehrman project. Bart Ehrman is a Professor of Religious Studies at North Carolina State. He used to profess to be a Christian but has since turned to atheism. He lectures and writes books arguing against the existence of Christ and many of his arguments are used by Atheists. This site will help you understand and refute these arguments.

I apologize for not announcing the class being skipped last week because of mothers day.
We are having the Bible Study class today.
Understanding Roman Catholicism: Is it really much different from Biblical Christianity?
Special Event – Sun, May 26, 7 pm
@ Teamspeak3 server CGAlliance.org, no password, channel "Defenders" class - Sun 7pm ET

The Roman Catholic Church has undergone many substantive changes – especially in the USA – since the Second Vatican Council (“Vatican II” 1962-65) was convened to seek ways to bring that Church into the modern era. A major result from Vatican II was to encourage dialog with other faith groups – Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Protestants, others – to find common ground and help develop an ecumenical spirit that minimizes the differences in faith and practice.

Five decades later, including twenty five years led by a highly charismatic Pope (John Paul II) who effectively implemented a winsome outreach to the rest of the world which is not Roman Catholic, there are many evangelical, Bible-believing Protestants who believe the differences are now so minimal that Catholics have essentially the same faith as Protestants. One could surmise that the issues which caused the Reformation are now moot, since Rome has changed that much.

In fact, Rome now calls Protestants “separated brethren” rather than pagans and infidels who must convert to “Holy Mother Church” for salvation, as was their teaching for centuries before Vatican II. But the term “brethren” implies we have the same spirit and follow the same gospel. But do we? Are Catholics our co-laborers in Christ or a mission field to be evangelized? This is a vitally important question.

Come out and join us on Sun, May 26, 7 pm, as John Kuspa will present the case that the issues of the Reformation remain, and that Rome still teaches a different plan of salvation, hence a different gospel, hence follows a different Jesus. John was a devout Roman Catholic for 25 years, and became a born-again believer at age 47. He has been teaching these differences for about ten years, and in retirement this is his main Christian ministry. Hope to see you there!
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The Understanding Roman Catholicism class was awesome! I enjoyed it and learned quite a bit. I'm hoping to hop into the channel again but it's difficult in the summer. We're usually still out and about at 5pm MT. Hopefully I can get on today.
Okay, I posted about the class on the CGA and ToJ Twitter feeds and Facebook pages. I'm hoping this will bring in more folks as this is a wonderful resource, especially for younger Christians in college or preparing to finish high school!