Drummergirl = bad!

ohhhhhhhhhhhh I see
Exodus say "maybe you should get out front"

/me slap Exodus for forgetting the first rule as a man.

No bueno!

I know just how you feel dg! I rush out as fast as I can every round and everyone else just sits back and lets me take all the lead! Bah! BF1942 > cs

how do you turn your heart to the right?? i could see turnin ur head, but not ur heart.. that just makes me all confused.. and we all gotta <3 everyone!! like how we all <3 dg
What's all the fuss about... I mean as long as I'm playing you're all going to die anyways right
  I mean come on goose and I share the same L33T SUPA H4X0R (which is also a age of mythology cheat I might add  
)  OGC 27 forever baby !!!!!!!!!!!1
my come back was actually pretty darn 1337, but it only woulda worked back on... say... page 1...

you guys had waay too much fun with this thread. and I thought people would be put off by the fact that the thread named "Drummergirl is bad!" appeared so much on the "most recent post" box...

cmon, none of you took BASIC spanish? es muy mal = "is very bad"

cmon... n00bs.

it's not that I alwaays choose your team, DG - its that everytime I'm on your team I complain about you the entire time

and its not that you rush and I follow you. its that at a safe time I start reloading and then suddenly you die and then I die. like when we were just exiting the spawn that one time... you should be able to reload in peace in your spawn... especially at the beginning 3 seconds of the round...
Hey! I said that I thought that "muy mal" meant very bad in Spanish...sheesh - I am chopped liver!
2251554411431532151545 If you even have the slightest clue what this is then you win, err, you get, ummm, your special!