dual specs?


New Member
I read this off of Lloren's blizzcon link, and am kind of confused...

Raids & Dungeons - The Dual-Talent spec feature will let you switch between your two specs without having to go back to town. You can perfectly do it between fights in a raid, however it won't be possible to switch specs in the middle of an Arena Match. Your keybinds and glyphs will be saved and automatically switched as you change your spec.

Does that mean that I could take spekterelf into a raid and go balance or resto interchangably throughout the instance?

I know it's maybe a noobish question, so any info (without the riddicule:p) would be nice to hear. Thanks for all of your considerate assistance and knowledge.
Ugh. now you really would need to carry 2+ full sets of gear around with you at all times. Hm. I think that Blizz is being rather-closed minded with only having 2 sets. I mean seriously... Druids have three major (and substantially different) trees.

I can see this going both ways - any class that has multiple major roles (druids, pallies, priests, warriors) can have something to do when you have too many tanks, or too many healers.

Downside is that now we're back to every priest, druid, and pally being a healer. I thought that mindset died at TBC. Welcome back, Closed-Mindedness. Your buddies Ignorance and Illogical missed you!
The clossed mindedness is more prevalent in clossed minded guilds. Our top players already maintain two sets of raid requirement gear (myself included - dps) this simply allows us to do what we normally do (swap from healing to dps) on the fly instead of having to go and respec before or during the raid.
Along with the changes to spell damage and healing to becoming spell power some of the pieces between a dps set and a healing set can be meshed a little bit.

Druids do have to carry alot of stuff though...
all i'm going to say is al'ar...

try doing reasonable DPS on that with a fire mage

and to GP's point...prior to getting my 2pT5/6 combo I had all sorts of gear, e.g. hellfire encased pendant, spellfire gloves (yes...still at the time) to eek out additional school specific damage...on top of carrying my SR set with me;

illidan -> pop out, respec go to general spelldamage gear-> go back

not fun

i dont' know that druids would have to carry particularly more than anyone else...they just pick up one more set if they want out of feral since they'd probably already have one for kitty and bear ...and those trees are being re-worked so that you're going to have cat points and bear points in feral so you could effectively dual spec within the same tree...so it may be a moot point
why would all pallies, etc have to be healers? For general use I could see prot pallies dual speccing with healing but if you got the gear it could be just as handy to dual spec Ret since prot pallies DPS goes way down if they aren't taking the hits. And the way everyone talks we are abundant in healers so a DPS offspec would be nice as well.
i posed a thought in my company's WoW newsgroup...if you purchase the caravan mount, it should come with a "wardrobe"...one bag slot for all of your armor or weapons (or maybe like 35 slots)
im so happy about dual speccing!

only thing is, that i really would love quad spec now that i'm playing a druid, lol.
Dual-spec seems like a very nice compromise. If you allow more than that ... what's the point of speccing at all, really? On the gear, carrying around lots of stuff is just part of being a drood ... for awhile I carried around 5 sets of gear (healing, spell dps, melee dps (cat), tank (bear), and fire resist). If I could respec 5 times over, too, that would take all the character out of one's character. Imagine the fun on looting issues when your tank/melee/range/healing druid "needs" on every single non-class-specific drop. Yuck. Talent speccing should require the player to make some trade-offs ... how everyone decides for themselves what exactly those tradeoffs should be gives the game flavor.

In the longer term, having some "changeable spec" that's between ultra-temporary buffs and mostly permanent "talent spec" would be nice ... something akin to the morale abilities or tactics in WAR. But as a simple thing with a big impact, dual speccing sounds very nice.
Gilga kinda hit on this, but... wouldn't this make the game too easy? If a lot of people could heal in addition to DPSing or DPS and tank or heal and tank, then wouldn't it take some of the challenge out of PVEing? Part of raiding is setting up who/which class goes. If a good proportion of the raiders can now do other essential raiding activities then that would take out the [most of] challenge of planning, wouldn't it?

On one hand, part of me wants to accuse Blizzard of taking the easy way out of a difficult issue, but on the other hand I have not raided since late last year and I have never lead a raid. =\

I just remember the good ole days when people showed up and raided and the thing worked... there was absolutely no need for people to use two specs.

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Blizzard isn't closed minded the players of Warhammer are...

This gives Blizzard more area to create some great battles that req more DPS and one tank, instead of having 4 tank specs sitting and doing 200 dps now can do 1k dps and not be useless while someone else it tanking.

I think it was a great move, and Gigla I love you but at the most raid druids have only 3 basic builds.
The show up and do your job strat's worked when encounters were designed around that. And when it didn't work, guilds started to require a raid make up for each encounter that would work best for that encounter.

Now with 25 man raids and soon 10 \ 25 man raids that the fact they are retunning a 40 man raid down to a 10\25 means guilds may not even have the option of making up a raid to fit every encounter prior to the start of the raid. It gives raid leaders now the tool of a dynamic and flood raid make up that can change on the fly based on the needs of the encounter.

It doesn't make the encounter easier, it makes planning easier.

While the arguement of "Why bring a pure dps if you can have a healer respec on the fly to dps" has merits, it really misses the point. The raid is going to be made up based on who signs up. Whats the point of having Sandric and Goodwone as a tank when the encounter only needs one? Having Sandric switch to healing for that fight doesn't take a spot from a priest or druid or Shaman healer nor does having Goodwone switch to DPS for that fight take a DPS position away from a mage, lock or rogue.
I think it was a great move, and Gigla I love you but at the most raid druids have only 3 basic builds.

Well, yeah ... when there are only three talent trees after all...

My point, which I didn't make too awfully well, was more that it's hardly an inconvenience having to have to carry two sets of gear around with dual-spec, since in the past, at times, I've carried around a lot more than that (and I believe that druids who actually knew what they were doing, like Ill, also carried around an awful lot of gear).

I didn't mention but I'd also argue that in progression raiding PvE, that there's a skill component on top of just gear and spec, too. If I respecced Gilga to feral, I could probably get some ridiculous armor and health values ... but Mordos would probably drove all the way from Nebraska to the Pacific to bop me in the head if I tried to tank anything tougher than, say, Hogger. But dual-spec is something that helps on the margin and lets people develop out a more balanced set of skills over time. It also makes it easier to fill a raid without people going to alts. Lastly, rather than have tons of wasted healing capacity when clearing trash, or having Nevi whacking Al'ar with a stick if he's fire specced, this allows everyone to participate.

But bottom line ... this seems like something that opens up possibilities in the game without seriously risking imbalancing it, thus it's goodness all around.
I'd pay a lot of money to see Mordos drive all the way to the coast just to BOP you on the head. That would be the event of the century!