Durids: Dis Thred is 4 spec!!

Yeah, animal druids have almost no downtime. I'm loving it in BC. When I FINALLY need to stop and heal up, I simply change into elf form and cast a healing touch.

Down time: 3.5 seconds (about every ten kills)
Does it make sense to put 5/5 in furor? Your thoughts?

It seems that it's tailored for if you pull with a spell and then drop into melee form.
I have been 100% feral with Darthmauled, until I got mangle. I have just started to put points into furor, and while it is nice I am glad I waited until after I got mangle. I have to admit, that so far I would have to say mangle is an incredible ability.

I can't help but think that furor really shines in pvp, though it definitely is helpful in pve.
I'm at 3/5 furor, i think, and at level 32, that means i'm delaying mangle a bit. As it stands, i can't rely on the extra rage or energy during my fights, but it serves as a nice surprise. Until I feel the need, i wont be putting any more points in it for awhile, methinks.
To facilitate this, at level 35+, start snagging gear for BOTH forms. The reason for doing this is that if you try to moonkin in all +str +agi gear, you WILL think it sucks. Same reason I suck as a healer -- I don't have the mana, the plus healing, or the regeneration.

Its coz you cant handle teh healz!

thats for renee..and all the grief you have given her lol!