Economy going up?


New Member
I was doing some thinking. Since there are heros now I have noticed that you can put new armor and weapons on them. Now, most of you will want the best armor you can get for them? Even pvp people will deff want the best armor. I think since this has been brought into play prices on rare weapons are going to go up. I think demand is going to go up for these weapons like victos axe and such. But what do you guys think?
autococker link doesnt work, and it might but i dont know, economy is messed with by a0net so much its hard to tell
keeping the economy balanced is pretty hard I know it is unpopular to say but I think Anet does a very good job.
Ya i think that the economy is definatly growing. I think prices are gonna increase b/c now armor doesnt have any upgrades and you have to buy them, runes for heros, items for heros, insigs. for heros. There is just so many more new options that you have its, so cool. I think that anet will have to increase drops on items because the prices might start to rise more. But thats just me.
And do you ever think Anet will ever come up with an auction house or bazaar or something? trying to sell your stuff is anoying.
you should've seen the economy go nuts in RuneScape when they made Player Owned Houses...

heh, u shoulda seen it when they made certs or runite came out or the first party hats.......
lol today i bought a mini. a seige turtle for 15k now i gots two :D. um... i hope the economy goes up, i need some major cash. (im still in debt from the Boardwalk weekend :()

However, the new "inscriptions" thing wil make building that perfect weapon SOOO much easier in the long run. I know that I'm going to be doing some low-end chest runs to see if I can pick up some gold weapons for the damage mods.
You know what I notice today was that you can somewhat get armor for them for free. If you find stolen armor NPC will turn into elite sun spear armor so maybe the economy isn't going up so much. But for thoss who pvp will probably want the best armor so I don't know.