Engineer advice?

I don't PvP, so I'm not much help to you there. However, I did hear in a few Mesmer podcasts that a "condition Engineer" can be just as deadly as a Mesmer. Mesmers are considered the top PvP profession at this time (wide variety of skills that sync well in multiple builds). I don't know exactly what they meant, but it might be something worth looking into.

In PvE, I'm running a Flamethrower build and I really enjoy it. I like turrets, too, but I think for Flamethrower, I'll get more use out of elixirs than turrets.
I have an engineer, but can only sympathize with difficulties in PvE with it. I am a lvl 32 and having a lot of trouble keeping him alive. I just, through the leather crafting discipline, upgrade his armour so we will see what happens. Taran have the fixed all of the glitches with the Flamethrower finally? When I first used it, it was missing more than hitting.
I use my Engineer to farm mobs in Orr (usually the events around Penitant Camp and southward). When I attack with the flamethrower, I'm attacking usually a group of five or more Risen. I have not had any trouble 'tagging' each one as I run by spraying. Since AreanNet increased the flamethrower cone spray from 30% to 60%, I'm definitely doing great hitting targets. My playstyle, however, may not be like anyone else's. I normally do not stand still and spray - I run. I run in circles, run through groups (and flip around to continue spraying), and even run side to side spraying. Since the Engineer only wears leather armor, I find it best not to to try to "tank" mobs, but to perform hit and run and hit and run and hit and run maneuvers. My best defense, when an enemy launches an attack at me, is 'don't be there.' So many times, enemies are targeting where I WAS standing, rather than where I AM standing.

Does that playstyle increase the likelihood of hitting targets? Possibly. But ArenaNet's buffs to the flamethrower are probably helping, too.
Ive been leveling an engineer and so far have enjoyed it. Ive also been doing some reading on the forums about what others have found to work and not work with the class. As far as pvp goes I have no experience with an engineer in that area, but I have read some stuff about it. There is also another factor to consider, that if you are doing WvWvW, while it does bump your existing stats up to lvl 80 it is only bumping up the stats you have which is most likely blues and greens. It also doesnt add skill points up to lvl 80 so you are still playing with a pretty big handicap if you go in there at lower levels. PvP and sPvP maps dont have this I know and you will have all 70 skill points and exotic level gear.

I have read that turret builds are rough to play in pvp against ranged players but do pretty well against melee players. The stronger ranged classes can simply isolate one or 2 turrets and burn them down, melee though has to wade through them which makes them more useful against them. Overall though they are still weaker than a well geared player so while feasable will be a tougher build to play and master in PvP.

I am leveling and have been using certain turret/kit combination with some pretty good success rate. Weapons are dual pistols (for now) and have bomb kit, flamethrower kit, and rocket turret. I use the flamethrower and rocket launcher to burn down packs. When things start to get a bit hairy and I only have melee based mobs left I swap to bombs. All you have to do is run around and spam #1 (feel free to use any other skill also) and the mobs will chase you till they die. Just remember to circle alot so they dont get too far from their spawn spot and reset. When I hit 80 the goal is to design him as a condition damage/support toon. I will most likely be going dual pistols or pistol shield and have elixer gun and elixers in my skill bar. The Apothecary gear is nice for this because it has both healing and condition damage on it.