Eskimo's Musings.


Former Official Thread Killer
Well Since I have decided to have my own thread for my musings.

I just need to let you all know some things first.

I am a human being. Please remember that when I post something. I will make spelling errors and mistakes.

I will be posting more than just Biblical things here, I will be posting funny jokes and stories too. Maybe just a thought. Who knows?

I also want you to know that no matter what I post, I will NOT be aiming an attack at any one person. I will be simply stating whats on my mind.

Well thats all I can think of. I'll post here again soon. Just wanted to create my thread.... hehe.
THought for the day 1-13-2006

What happens when Ketchup goes bad in the fridge? Does it hold up the lettuce for some green? Or maybe it plans something bigger with the mustard.... Hmmmmm
A Bible verse I thought about.

Ephesians 1:15 and 16

(15)"Therefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints.(16) do not cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers."

Well now, why would I qoute these verses and why do they mean something to me?

While I was reading these it struck me (Almost like a blinding light :p ) How Christians seem to only pray for one another when asked to. In this verse here, Paul says that he " (does not) cease to give thanks for you, Makes mention of you in my prayers." Why is this important? Well, when was the last time you prayed for someone to simply thank the Lord that they love Him? When was the last time that you prayed for somone simply because you heard them say they love Jesus?
I am guilty for not doing that. I guess what I am trying to say here is that Paul is reminding us that we need to pray simply because someone loves Jesus. I have already started doing that, when I hear of a person getting saved. I now pray and Thank God for that person, simply because they love Jesus. :D

Am I way off base here? Or did is this insight a relevent fact?

HAving been reading the RD forum thread Lies. I have been thinking a lot about atheists and what they beleive.

Now I don't want to sound suicidal or anything, But if Atheists beleive in nothing, why do they go on living? If there is nothing after this life, why bother living it?

If there is no hope? Why bother?

I know, rather morbid, but just something I was wondering about....
Females of the human species

Why o why is it so hard to understand girls/women?

Why is it so hard for a guy to have a "just friends" relationship with a girl?

Why are they so confusing?

I guess this is one of the biggest things that guys need to pray for. Understanding on how to deal with girls...
1. Sometimes you just have to roll with the punches, and not all things in life are meant to be understood....hey sometimes we don't even understand ourselves....

2. Why are we so confusing? well good question, we sometimes wonder the same about men....

I guess it just comes down to guys and girls think on different wave lengths...
Shyfroggy said:
2. Why are we so confusing? well good question, we sometimes wonder the same about men....

Allow me to un-confuse you about men. IN life, Men only want 2 things. (according to Bill Engval and Jeff Foxworthy)

1.) A cold Dr. Pepper ( I changed this answer cause beer is disgusting to me. :p )

2.) TO see something Naked, Preferably female

So see, Guys are not all that confusing. Its you ladies that only seem to think so. :p

Just having some fun, no one is to feel slammed or anything by this post. If you do, You might be a red neck.
the_great_eskimo_pie said:
Allow me to un-confuse you about men. IN life, Men only want 2 things. (according to Bill Engval and Jeff Foxworthy)

1.) A cold Dr. Pepper ( I changed this answer cause beer is disgusting to me. :p )

2.) TO see something Naked, Preferably female

So see, Guys are not all that confusing. Its you ladies that only seem to think so. :p

Just having some fun, no one is to feel slammed or anything by this post. If you do, You might be a red neck.

Here's your sign! :p
whose "musings" are these?

but wait a minute...when did this thread switch to "Bill Engval and Jeff Foxworthy's musings?" I thought these were "Eskimo's Musings"....or does Eskimo think the same way they do?

Just curious.....
Why o why is it so hard to understand girls/women?

Why is it so hard for a guy to have a "just friends" relationship with a girl?

Why are they so confusing?

I guess this is one of the biggest things that guys need to pray for. Understanding on how to deal with girls...

Shyfroggy said:
but wait a minute...when did this thread switch to "Bill Engval and Jeff Foxworthy's musings?" I thought these were "Eskimo's Musings"....or does Eskimo think the same way they do?

Just curious.....

Hehe. Well I don't fully agree with their point of veiw I think it is rather funny. They are my musings. Sometimes silly, sometimes serious. That's all. Hope your curiousity is sated for now.
Abortion & Some of my thoughts on it.

I know I am probably opening a can of worms, but you know what? I like worms. :D

In my Ethics class, we will be "debating" the topic of abortion, and as I was thinking about it, the following questions popped into my head to ask my fellow classmates. I am posting them here, in case ya'll want to comment on them

Where does life begin?

For me, Life begins at conception, for the definition I get from 90% of Doctors is that Life begins when new DNA is formed. Well when the sperm meets the egg and fuses, new DNA is formed. Not only that, look up Psalm 139:13, Jeremiah 1:5 and Galatians 1:15 if you don't beleive me.

Is abortion murder?

Yes it is. Even when in the womb, babies are able to respond to outside stimulus and are already forming a personality. Just ask any mother on that point :p Also, If babies were not aware and not living in the womb how do you explain John the baptists reaction in Luke 1: 41 at just hearing Mary's voice! Also, if babies were not aware and sentient in the womb, why is ther a multi billion dollar industry trying to get you to buy stuff to help you have a smarter baby? From headphones to wear on a womens stomach, to books your supposed to read that will help your baby be smarter when it is born.

Those are just two of the questions in the book we will be debating. What do you think of my answers?
ChickenSoup said:
YEAH! I know some people who don't mind abortion, and I can tell you I pray for them

Wanna know something worse? Christians who are against abortion and don't know why!!! Those are people I pray for, and one of the reason I took Ethics. THat way I can better explain our (THe Christian) point of view. Keep praying.
Follow up on the atheist thread.

the_great_eskimo_pie said:
HAving been reading the RD forum thread Lies. I have been thinking a lot about atheists and what they beleive.

Now I don't want to sound suicidal or anything, But if Atheists beleive in nothing, why do they go on living? If there is nothing after this life, why bother living it?

If there is no hope? Why bother?

I know, rather morbid, but just something I was wondering about....

I was doing my devotions this morning and the author of the book I am using had this verse written.

(13)"But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethern, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope.(14)For if we beleive that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus. (15)For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep. (16) For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. (17) Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. (18) Therefore comfort one another with these words."

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

What do these words mean regarding what I said before? Well lets take a look....

The way I read the verses is as a promise, a hope given, much like the one Jesus gave the disciples in John 14:2 and 3.

(2)"In my Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. (3) And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and recieve you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also."

See, What Paul wrote is a follow up on what Jesus said. A promise that Jesus is coming back for us. THough he has to prepare a place for us first. Much like the way a man prepares a house and has a job before he marries. "preparing" a place for his bride where she can be secure. When Christ comes back, it is going to be a really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really awesome thing. We have this hope that atheists lack. I feel bad for them, not knowing the hope we have, never basking in the Lord presence, never having the connection with the Lord. Feeling His comfort in times of sorrow, His joy, even His discipline. So have heart, even in the darkest of times, when the enemy attacks, know that the Lord is waiting. Ready to help anytime, anywhere.
Isn't it amazing the promises laid out for us? I can hardly wait to meet Paul and Thank him for these words of encouragment. The Lord is coming back and soon. Are you ready?
Some funny Bumper stickers....

Here are some funny Bumper stickers I saw while driving the other day. You may have heard of some, maybe not. I just hope they bring a smirk/smile to your face.

Seen on an old beat up, rusted toyota

"Don't let the car fool you. MY treasure is in Heaven."

Seen on the back of an off duty Police officers car (Yes I know him)

CSI: Christ Saves Individuals

I was dead once...... I didn'y like it

Seen on the back of a car that had obviously been in an accident of two.

"Keep tailgating me, I'll just fling a booger on your windshield."

Hope at least one brought a smile to your face.

I don't really know what the following would count as: question, musing, or anger. Here it is, and sorry if it offends you.

The Catholic church. They worship people, such as Mary mother of Jesus, various Saints, Christ himself (of course), and of course, God. I have a problem worshipping people that were just really good christians. In my opinion, the Catholics and the Mormans are the same (Mormans believe something along the lines that if you are holy enough, or something, you can become your own god). The reason I say that, is because only God and Christ are worthy of worship. And even then Christ and God are 1 and the same. Then they have the Pope, their 'connection to God'. If they read the bible, they would know that Christ, not any single man is our mediator. Also, in the Dark Ages, if a holy being was leading the churches, why would he make thousands upon thousands think they were condemned to eternal damnation if he decided they had offended him? I mean, Christ was tortured for hours on hours, spat on, cursed at, and he didn't lift a finger. (Yes, I do realize nearly everyone then was illiterate, and the church had enormous power, but it doesn't make it any better) But this guy hears some guy in a town 400 miles away might have said he didn't like the pope that much, and they're excommunicated? I'm sorry, but that is in no way right.

Sorry for ranting, but that's just how I feel on the matter of Catholics. My father used to be one, and he read the bible one day without the priest's 'permission', asked the priest questions about Jesus and Peter (or Paul),and he was beaten. So I may have a bit of a biased view towards Catholics. I have more to say, but I won't go into it :) I feel like I'll get booted or something hehe, sorry for taking so much space lol.
This does not offend me but I do have one thing to say. Out of love and kindness. I know many Catholics that are born again Christians but they were not brought up that way and do not know anything but the Catholic church. They don't always agree with everything that goes with the Catholic "denomination" but they do love and have accepted Jesus Christ as their saviour. Sometimes people are not ready to accept change and that eye opening experience must come when they are ready to accept it or else you can totally harden their hearts against any other type of christian "denomination". I know this because My husbands family is almost all Catholic and my father grew up Catholic. What we should do is pray for these people in our lives to have a great experience with Jesus. Also sometimes what we "think" people need is not what they need at all. So when we pray we should pray that God's will for their lives be shown to them and made real in them.

Your fathers experience is very unfortunate. I am sorry he had to experience that. In different areas the Catholic churches are stricter and some more open to the guidance of the holy spirit. I will tell you not all Catholic churches are like that. My husband's priest when he was growing up told my husband to search for God. He told him that he could pray to God himself. So here is where our families experiences differ.

Please don't judge all catholics on the bad experience of one. Something I like to remind people is that we don't know what goes on in the hearts of man only God does. But I say that for all "denominations" though.

I will have to admit that the Catholic church in the Dark Ages was very much corrupted and my husband can tell you more on this subject. However, it is not the Dark Ages anymore.

Anyway, Just something I felt needed to be shared. Welcome to the boards. :)
Wow..... That is quite a few posts on my musings page...

I have to agree with Priceless billyrayjoebob2, You can not say that all catholics are bad because of one experiance. I have had many bad experiances with churches of various beliefs over my lifetime. Have I given up on church? No, I had to run to God and let Him carry the burden. I mean, what are you going to do if someone on the CGA boards starts to flame you? Are you going to say that the CGA is bad? I hope not.

I don't want to sound like I am coming down on you for this, because I am not. I am just trying to share a little wisdom... THough I can't say I have that much.