EVE Online, DUST 514, and You


Staff member
So, with Dust514 and EVE Online proper are on the same server and Dust514 is now in open beta, I thought I'd post about the games once more.

I know there are some EVE veterans here, and I recall some interest in Dust514 previously. I booted up yesterday to see how things were faring and, after promptly switching to keyboard and mouse controls, thought I'd once again gauge interest in linking up between the two.

Especially would like to know if there's any interest in starting a ToJ-based cross-game corporation.

And now that the game is in open beta, lifting the NDA with it, I can talk about the game publicly. Hooray!

I actually really like the game design. There's still room for polish... and visual variety in the battlefields wouldn't hurt... but the game feels good overall. Reminds me of MAG in the way that it feels like you're fighting with purpose, and the leveling and equipment systems lifted straight from EVE are more than fine by me. I actually look forward to playing more of it, and that's something I hardly ever say about multiplayer shooters.
I don't do FPS's, but if you guys get something going, let me know. I would love to help our mercs by blowing up your map from space :D. Been an EvE crackhead for over 4 years now and have done just about everything.