EVE Online... or I'm a Decade Late


Staff member
I'm quite aware of how late I am to the party, but I just snatched up EVE Online: Inferno... wait... no... Retribution... from the Steam store for $5. Pretty hard to pass up finally giving the game a shot when it'd cost a mere five bucks to get a month's sub.

I'm still in the middle of tutorials, but uhm... I can't believe it took me until now to actually try the game. Not sure I'll be investing in it for long, but it's really neat so far.

Or maybe I'm just a sucker for spacefaring.

Whatever the case, I'm enjoying it, so I thought I'd say as much. haha
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How much are you forced to play with other people and is it possible to solo? I don't do MMOs but I played Black Prophecy by myself for a loong time just because it was space.
\o/ I'm not the only one!!!

I have a chat channel "Brothers in Christ" My mains(4) are unsubed atm (im broke) but my Crack...ahem Eve addiction is so strong that I create trial chracters just to chat(and other mean things). It is a wonderfully complex "spreadsheet online". I will be more than happy to give you a hand in the learning curve(cliff).

IGN: CowRocket Void

@ AMorrii: You can play EvE solo, but its is NOT a solo game. You will get terribly bored if flying solo.
I also love the game, and have been playing for a while. unfortunately both my accounts are also unsubbed atm because I too am broke.

Should be fixed next paycheck. And I really should make an effort of getting into just one thing and sticking to it, because at this point I've been playing long enough I should be able to just play for free via PLEX. But I keep getting distracted by shiny new stuff. >.>
I was playing for almost a year via plexing my 4 accounts. But the recent price rise to about 600m isk, i just cant seem to be motavated enough to pay that high of a price. I blame the 11yo's with daddy's credit card. I do keep making trial accounts just to chat :D
I was playing for almost a year via plexing my 4 accounts. But the recent price rise to about 600m isk, i just cant seem to be motavated enough to pay that high of a price. I blame the 11yo's with daddy's credit card. I do keep making trial accounts just to chat :D

Or actually lack of 11yo's with a credit card. More plex generally = less cost on the market, and combined with the increasing use of plex means prices are almost twice what they used to be. :p
I was playing for almost a year via plexing my 4 accounts. But the recent price rise to about 600m isk, i just cant seem to be motavated enough to pay that high of a price. I blame the 11yo's with daddy's credit card. I do keep making trial accounts just to chat :D

I got something to ask you, Why did you join a corp called commie goat lovers if your a Christian?
Ya, Iv'e been gaming with 4 buds for years now. We created that corp to do fun stuff, hence the funny name. But now I'm(CowRocket) going to be joining Red Fed for some cheap pvp(unless some other fun comes up). While my other toons build capitals and mission/mine for isk.