(Event?) Fresh Clear - Wayfarer Foothills, August 31, 9PM EDT


Legacy of Elijah Guild Leader
Not an official event, but let's play together anyway. I'm sure the more dedicated among us will put together

I've seen a lot of small groups playing together, each of us working on our own starting story...sometimes bumping into each other, etc. This is to be expected; we start at different times, aren't in the same overflows, etc. This was always a challenge in GW1.

Sorry for the late and haphazard format...we'll expect this to work anyway. Great plan!

Suggested event:
Where: Wayfarer Foothills. Meeting up at entrance to Hoelbrak so that we can queue if/while we wait. Also, TeamSpeak.
When: Friday Night, August 31, 9PM EDT.
What: Fresh clear of Wayfarer Foothills. Clear hearts until we pass out, do dynamic events, and maybe clear the way to the jumping puzzle. No current plans for personal story.
Who: Everyone! This is Guild wars 2, baby! Every single person can access, level, and get equipment in this event.
Classes: Any!

I'd recommend a new Norn (finish The Great Hunt alone, of course) or another race that you haven't touched the Norn area with.

TeamSpeak - Please have downloaded, installed, and working BEFORE the event. This means you have actually connected to CGAlliance. You do not need a working microphone. This is so that folks are stuck having to say and type everything twice.
Server - max party size is 5, and I'm doubting anyone is a squad commander yet. Therefor, I'm recommending everyone get on early and try to get in to the main server.
Late? Who cares? Gone are the days of needing exact party size, or having to wait around to plan a squad. We'll just go do this and you can join us when you get in the queue. If you show up early, get in the queue. I doubt I'll be able to sign on before the hour.

If getting on the same overflow/server doesn't work out, we may have to adapt on the fly and get into separate parties. In any case, let's play together.
I won't be available until way later that night, but I'll check to see if anybody's still on when I get home.

I like this idea as an event though. I certainly want to join in more of these in the future.
Actually...I'm not sure whether I'll be on tomorrow or not. Work stuff came up today that will probably bleed into the weekend, which won't leave much spare time for GW.

I'd definitely encourage folks to get together and see what a non-instanced event goes! Hope to be there.

Accidentally submitted.
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Change that: I MAY be there. Got invited out to dinner with friends, can't pass it up. Hoping to be back soon enough!
if i wasn't camping i would be there! I should try and set something up for sunday and monday night.