

New Member
Just wondering if anyone else gets the feeling that <The Elect> is fading somewhat.
I think we have 6 maybe 7 active players in the legion atm. While this does make us more of a tight nit group (which I enjoy), is there anything we can do to draw more players in rather than just continue on as we are?

Can anyone think of an effective recruitment thingy other than the standardized "<so & so> is looking for fun yadda yadda" in /3? Not saying that is bad, just not sure how effective it is. We have all the great things I'd like to see and think most anyone would like going for us (forums, Vent, weekly and monthly giveaways and a loyal tight nit core).

I just would like to come up with some way to get some fresh blood in our guild to not only replenish our ranks, but to help make us a more efficient group when we go out. Not sure how many else see it, but our common groups consist of two clerics, one to two temps, chanter and a caster. That leaves ranger, sin, sm, and glad that could greatly improve our groups.

Please don't take anything I've said as complaining, as I think we have done some truly amazing things with the guys we have of late (referring to when 2 Clerics and 2 Templars fought a Legendary NPC... of which the recommended group size is 2-4 FULL groups close to 1/4 health). I'm just trying to get ahead of an issue that might make us disheartened in the future.

As they always say, "the more the merrier".
It looks like some active players left -- Danger, Currahee, and maybe others (or their alts?). I was thinking of sending a PM to Bremyn to see if he's thought about renewing. I haven't seen Bruce (Kageyasu) or Cherubi on in a while. I remember Cherubi saying that she was on a mission's trip. She was fun to play with. I don't know what it would take to get Diana (Stylo) back. She's been playing a lot of Guild Wars lately and when she was playing Aion, she mostly liked to play as an Asmo. Keero was a good, active, player but his month ran out and he didn't resub. He plays A LOT of games, though, so maybe he doesn't have the time...lol. Arulasse (Gilson7) was also a lot of fun to play with, but haven't see her on since the last time I was active during the summer and early fall.

Doula used to advertise a lot but took a lot of heat as well when he mentioned that we are a Christian Legion. Most of his threads on the Aiononline forums got locked. Of course, he felt convicted about playing too much and deleted his characters.

I don't have an answer, but we did get a few new players after Doula advertised in the LFG channel. Maybe we could change the wording so it doesn't say Christian, but "family-friendly" or something similar. I don't know how everyone else feels, but I don't have a problem with non-Believers being in the Legion because it would be a great opportunity to serve as a good example and witness through our actions. I think most people understand that not everyone wants to be subjected to foul language and derogatory remarks if we said we were looking for folks wanting to join a family-friendly Legion.
this being a christian guild the ranks will always be small quite a few left with out saying goodbye some left because of life
you could always ask what other members did to atract new members
on a side note i've been playing my asmo toons because of the time zone seems like i get things done over there
gets kind of lonely when you log on and no one else is on
reason why he got heat was some might have been convicted and felt that a christian guild was preaching to them
inviting non christian could also be goin against the guild charter because you have to make a profession of faith
I have spent some time recruiting in LFG before and also sitting at the Private Store with a message written out. While I did get my fair share of scorn from LFG, I didn't get any takers.

It would be nice I agree if we could invite those looking for a family friendly legion in, but as Decheck said, it is part of the rules that you be Christian to join.

I understand that life comes first and some have convictions to stop playing, I'm very cool with that. I'm just saying, if we never reach out, we won't find very many.
Maybe if you feel this is prayer worthy, take it to the Father and we'll see what comes. :)
I think we can do some recruiting in the Aion Forums. Just have to be a little careful to not get preaching i think just get our info out there, Also I recruit real life friends and family :). It is harder to recruit being part of the Tribe of Judah but it is also what makes our guilds a little more unique and usually close knit. I was thinking just today what I can do to attract more members to our legion. One way is to message a player that used to play that you enjoyed playing with and reach out and invite them back. we can do this through the forums here via PM because they will recieve an email notifying them they got a pm from the forms. I like this thread and i want to hear all your ideas!
When we get new members thing we should require them to join forums and vent or at least Just the forums?
Doula did advertise us a lot and also received a good amount of back lash from it. Though things usually got easier after a few weeks. People got used to it, and with a few exceptions, stopped fussing about it. While it didn't always get member directly for our legion. I do know that he ended getting some prayer requests and opened some doors for other chat.

That is to say, it's a good thing to do! Just don't expect it to be smooth. Throwing an invite in LFG 2x a week, and a forum post 1x every month or 2. I think would be productive and not be excessive.
Aion NA side isn't the largest, we only got 5 servers. So the player pool is not huge to recruit from. But there will still be those that don't know about us. And a simple add can be enough to make the connection.

Christian or Family Friendly -
This is something I thought about a lot! While the latter would make things more open to others. My own desire for the legion was always to have more Jesus fellowship, then anything. Which also lines up with what ToJ goal is; providing a fellowship environment.
To take the other route, would require approval from the ToJ leadership.

I ended up taking a more relaxed approach to things. I let people know that we are a Christian legion and God chat does happen. If they were able to respect us and our beliefs, I was ok with inviting them. Though the only way to access vent,warehouse or take a leadership position requires ToJ membership (which requires a Testimony of faith).

When we get new members thing we should require them to join forums and vent or at least Just the forums?
ToJ is required for vent! I never forced anyone to sign up for either. The less hassle, the more likely to pick up someone IMOP. Though I did always strongly recommend it, and even started sending a Kinah reward when they did.

Legion numbers:
Just wondering if anyone else gets the feeling that <The Elect> is fading somewhat.
I think we have 6 maybe 7 active players in the legion atm.
I've been here since the closed Beta. We've had 25 active going at a time. An then at one point, for a month or 2 it was only me and Xaris. Granted a good portion was probably due to my timidness and lack of organizing and promoting the legion. However, it did start to grow again.
The numbers will flux for sure. People come and go for various and often unpreventable reason. But the legion leadership is a lot more stable now. And Aion is also fixing a lot of things that drove people away. To me being able to have a full legion run is stellar. An while I don't think there is reason to worry. I do believe it's always good to look for more. So, I would encourage to look for some form of scheduled advertising.

If you google "Aion Christian legion" or guild. We have the 1st couple spots. :)
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the ads work it just takes time
i join cause i happen to come across one on the forums and to tell you the truth i was suprise and i jump at the chance to play a game with fellow christians
I am late coming to this meeting. I had a nice writeup going as well. LOL Most of my concerns have already been addressed or covered which is good. I am glad we are thinking along the same lines. I am going to go ahead and put my write up here not to steal anyone's thunder but just because I wrote so I'm going to post it ... lol

Legion State of the Union 2/5/2011

With the loss of a few members recently, I wanted to compose a post that gives an idea where we are, where we need to be and make suggestions as well as promote conversation on how we intended to get there.

Where we are.

We currently have 6 active members. Fionadredd, Aleron, Abar, Khali, Sidonia and myself. We have some semi-active member Decheck, Mexious and others that drop in from time to time. 6 is a full group to run dungeons but our class make up is not optimal. While at this point this only causes us to go through dungeons slower eventually it will cause us greater problems as we will soon be running timed dungeons. In addition, it is usually only once a week that all 6 members are online at one time.

Members that have left, have left for different reasons, some have left the game totally and some have left for other legions. Most that have left for other legions caused by lack of legion grouping and/or lack of legion attendance. It's not fun when you are the only one on in the legion and when you are on you don't group with anyone in the legion.

Where we need to be.

We need to be in a place that on any given night someone logs in they can get a group going. That would mean a minimum of 5 to 6 people on a night. We currently have anywhere from 1 to 3 on an average night. This would require 12 to 15 active members so we would need to double our current active members.

Abysmal Splinter is a 12 man dungeon. We would need at least 12 member that would be able to get on to run this dungeon.

Alliance PvP and Alliance PvE would be are next target requiring a full 24 members to be online for a full legion alliance.

How we intend to get there.

Class Make Up - Correcting the class make up for our current group is semi-easy. Once we hit 50 Zan can replace Val. I am also leveling my sin to possibly group later. That will still give us 2 clerics though which means either Aleron or Sidonia giving up their spot for DPS on timed dungeon. Suggestions here would be appreciated. Having more members would be one solution to this problem. Perhaps we could get 2 groups going if we have enough on.

I would like to point out that having 2 to 3 temps and 2 clerics is a very good position to be in though because that will allow us to fill out Alliance groups that much easier.

Current Attendance - This is something we just have to work around. We all have real lives and those come first. There is little we can do about that. The easiest fix to attendance is have more active members and have legion groups constantly going so people will want to log in.

Members leaving - Recently we have been grouping substantially more but this only occurs when we have enough members on. This brings us back to having more members so we can field groups more often. It also helps that our core group is getting on in levels so we don't have people that out level us then get bored and leave for another legion.

Membership - While it's obvious we need to get more members, how is the question that needs to be answered. In most legions you would just invite people but being a part of ToJ, TOJ membership is required. In the past, we made some server posts; however, being a Christian legion this brought it's share of scoffers. I know there were some words had between Doula and the forum moderator but I'm not totally clear on what was discussed.

There was some discussion on what was needed awhile back http://www.cgalliance.org/forums/showthread.php?t=37301&highlight=seil but since Doula left no one has been actively promoting.

I want to say that first off we need to be coordinated in our approach. Only one person needs to be posting in the official forums. Posting in other forums would be great but we need to make sure that any "advertising" fits ToJ restrictions and any posting by someone other than the designated recruitment person is first ran by the recruitment person to keep them in the loop.

So far we have the following recruitment ideas:
  • Contacting inactive members
  • Posting on Aion Official Forums
  • Spamming LFG /3 Chat
  • Posting in other forums - CGA, Gaming Forums
  • Anything else?
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It's tough for me to play Aion a lot since I am guild leader of [HsC] in Guild Wars. We have a lot of in game stuff going on that I have to be there for since it is a responsibility to be a good leader. I can't sign in 1 time a month. ^_^

I like Aion a lot. I pay the fee each month, but, I know that I am not part of the grouping you guys have due to your higher lvls and you have the responsibility to help each other like I do in GW.

I haven't played since you last saw me on. I know there's double XP and an extra something due to the server crash.. but I just can't get in right now.

I have a new class I am taking at church which has a book + workbook due for Thurs nights, Mon nights usually have a bible study to go to, Tues am have a life group, wed I help at elementary school in afternoon, Sat I have a ministry at the Nursing home or the church food pantry.. LOL Aion always just gets pushed to last spot...........
It's tough for me to play Aion a lot since I am guild leader of [HsC] in Guild Wars. We have a lot of in game stuff going on that I have to be there for since it is a responsibility to be a good leader.

I hope no one (meaning the semi-active members) takes anything personal, especially you Kyrel.

Zandaris said:
So far we have the following recruitment ideas:
  • Contacting inactive members
  • Posting on Aion Official Forums
  • Spamming LFG /3 Chat
  • Posting in other forums - CGA, Gaming Forums
  • Anything else?
#1. Note Boxes
Not a requirement by any means, but if your cool with it, every character that you have in the legion and don't have a funny or catchy saying in your 'Note' box, Place a line saying something along the lines of "Christian Legion LFM members" or "Christian Gaming Alliance", etc.. I have done this on a few of my characters and have had a few conversations start by some one asking me "So, what is the Christian Gaming Alliance?", and although so far it hasn't lead to any new members, it is being seen.

#2. Mini Events
Maybe we can figure a way to have some kind of mini event in Sanctum.
...Could be something along the lines of a mock Marketplace of potions, armor and weapons we have crafted or nice drops that you don't want for any of your characters all set at a fair and attractive price.

This could be a great way to help the designated recruiter to spam in /3 and maybe jump to the different areas to post in /1 (for those that keep /3 turned off most of the time)...
"Starting in 30 mins, drop by Sanctum and visit our legion's "Marketplace & Swap meet", brought to you by <The Elect> a Christian legion"

And while there are 3 or 4 of us sitting side by side, everyone will see our Note Boxes.
Not sure how many will be willing to sit there and not do much, but could be used as a shoot the breeze session in Vent or to figure out what we would like to do a following night.

#3. Ver 2.5
As soon as update 2.5 comes out, Aion will have 5 tier or rank legions.
Maybe we could set the lowest tier or rank 1 to be our "visitor" rank, so that others can see a glimpse into how The Elect operates.

Another great feature that is in the update is the "Guardian" mode that allows someone to help a character that is more than 10 lvls below them.
This might be another chance to jump in there and plant a seed if you group with a kind and thankful lowbie.
none taken i would be more active cause i play most days its that when you guys log on i'm logging off
as others stated before as me too if your the only one on at the time it gets boring quick
as far as getting new members you have to remeber we have a limited pool to pull from where other legions have no limits and can pull from the entire player base
I am not taking anything personal ^_^

I would love to play more and help to grow the Legion, I just have to be honest and realize that I prob won't make a difference in the Legion with the very limited amount of playtime and crawling leveling up to never make it to an event.

It was the biggest mistake to not join The Elect during the beta. QQ paying big time for that now, since the other 2 guildies of mine stopped playing Aion a yr ago.
I just have to be honest and realize that I prob won't make a difference in the Legion with the very limited amount of playtime and crawling leveling up to never make it to an event.
I for one, will always be willing to jump to an Alt and group with you when you get a chance to play and I'm pretty sure others would too.
For me it's more about grouping with the great peeps we have more so than taking down the biggest thing out there. :)
... I'm pretty sure others would too.
Same here. I have four alts in the mid-20's that I enjoy playing. It wouldn't take too long to level you up to the 40's with the double XP, Energy of Repose and a Lodus Amulet even just playing once a week. They've also increased the XP given in quests. Once quest I turned in yesterday gave me 16 million xp.

I only started playing this past summer, well past the beta, and my cleric is 45 even with taking a three month break. I only just recently got my six month veteran rewards. I would be at 55 if I hadn't been working on my alts.
I'm pretty sure others would too.
For me it's more about grouping with the great peeps we have more so than taking down the biggest thing out there. :)

He is correct I am also have a bunch of alts between lvl 10 and 43 :)
Ok :) If we can make it a night of the week other than the one you have a big event on? Like a Sun, or Tues? I would just be like.. ok this night is for Aion only with my Legion!!

Thank you guys for encouraging me ^_^
We were trying to do an event on Monday nights which is when you have your bible study, so that works out. Sometimes if we have a few people on at the same level, then we've been trying to knock off some of the campaign quests.

Your chanter is lvl 23, so that works out well for my mid-20 alts. What campaign/optional quests do you have left? Are you still working on Vert quests? We could get a few people together near your level to do the quests together. I try to be on most nights, so I'll look for you on Tuesday or Sunday. You can also look at my Xfire status to see if I'm in Aion. Feel free to log in and ask for help. I'll gladly switch to another character.