Fare The Well Trinity Bars


New Member
Alas, I knew them well.

Bleh...now to actually use and configure bartender or some other sub par bar mod :(
mmm...and i just tried bartender

blech...trinity is far more flexible...there's a replacement, Macaroon, but i've yet to give it a try
hemmm, I'm not happy about Trin dying either, but I'm interesting in pulling down Macaroon. Connor's always done excellent work.
Jason was saying that macaroon can partially import your old trinity data and it was not hard to recreate his old bar setup. If you see him on, he can probably explain it better so I won't even try to do it here.
I haven't even done it yet - wowinterface was down yesterday so I wasn't able to get macaroon. Jason was telling me something about setting a button to "action button #". The # was still linked to what that button was on your trinity.
I could not get the import thing to work, but have dl'd and set up Macaroon.

However, I could not get Macaroon to set up right for my hunter's pet. I could not find the pet attack anywhere. If you figure it out, let me know.
so I finally set up all my bars last night, and I found out its really easy once you know where the commands are. Mouse scroll for changing settings is a great feature!

Sam, for your pet stuff, when you go to "button edit" mode, clicking on a button changes it from 'macro' type to 'action' type (where your previous button settings are imported to) and 'pet' type (where all your old pet buttons are saved). Also, right click the bar to make it a 'pet' type bar and it will properly appear/disappear when your pet comes and goes.
yeah I got macaroon from scratch too..need to figure out the pet bar for my shadowfiend.
yeah, I was having trouble with the pet bar on the PTR and had to resort to making my own macros and inserting them. I'm sure there must be a better way but have not spent the time to mess with my hunter since the patch.