Feb 21 Scrim Details

I'll be there to help lead\head up practice for this event. Plan to be there as on time as possible. Be on the lookout in the forums, PM, or via steam community page for the password to get into the server on the practice nights.
Apparently I'm out of town on Saturday so I won't be there. I will be at the practices but good luck to all the players in the scrim.
Additional Scrim Info

The games will be first to 3 wins on ctf_Mach4 and first to 5 wins on cp_Granary
Mach4 will be run first.

I am going to be asking the players that know they can stay longer to play on the second map. Conversely if you are going to be on a short time limit please tell me and I will put you in the first map team.
What were the results of the scrim?

We lost mach overall I think 1-3 rounds but at least won the the first match 0-3. We lost it on the others can't remember the exact scores (ask Tek).

Granary we won 5-4 out of 9 rounds played.

I made demos but of it but haven't gotten around to avi'ing them as it takes so long.
We lost it on the others can't remember the exact scores (ask Tek).
These are the scores I remember. (Feel free to correct me if these numbers aren't accurate.)

ToJ v. SoC
Round 1: 3-0
Round 2: 1-3
Round 3: 1-2 (Timelimit hit)
