Feral Info


Trieb of Judah Starcraft Series Chapter Co-leader
So as everyone has noticed everything is changing! I'm going to take a minute to try and explain feral druid tank and dps a little from what I have learned in the past few days.

This website also helped me figure everything out: Elitist Jerks

Feral DPS: Feral Cat

Personally I believe at this lvl this is probably the best possible spec to have for cat DPS. Once we are at the lvl 85 cap, the spec will grow a little more into resto.

Rotation: Now the rotation for feral DPS is pretty much the same.

1: Keep up mangle
2: Keep up rake
3: Keep up rip

These are your most important attacks for the feral cat.

The rotation/priority I use is:
mangle>>Rake>>Shred (Shred until you have 5 points) == 5 points on Rip
Shred>>Shred>>Rake (after rake if you don't have 5 points go with shred a few more times) == 5 points on FB (Ferocious Bite)
Shred>>Shred>>Rake (again as before) == 5 points on Rip.

(The important thing is if rip is going to fall off your target, you NEED to use your 5 points on it over FB. Now if you have 5+ seconds of rip left on the target, use FB. Then restack your points and use rip.)

If you notice in this priority/rotation deal there is no SR (Savage Roar). SR IMO becomes a waste of combo points. It now only affects your auto/white hits, which with it you'll hit about 1.7-2.1k's, and without it you hit about 1.2-1.5k's. It does seem like a little dps increase, but from what I've found, i'm able to do more DPS without SR and using the 5 points on either rip or FB.

We also have a spell called Cower. Cower use to reduce our threat by a base amount. Now it reduces our threat by 10%. If your getting caught in threat with the tanks, use this a 1 or 2 times to save your butt.

Now on a boss fight I like to open up with charge then ravange >> go into mangle then rake then shred if needed >> then Rip >> Tiger's fury >> Berserker >> then shred 5 points >> FB >> Rake and shred up to 5 points >> FB >> and repeat until your berserker falls off or your rip is about to fall off. Then restack points for rip then go back to FB.

Pretty much stays the same, you want gear with crit/hit/haste which is pretty much the only gear out there for druids/rogues. The 4P of T10 is still well worth having, and a big DPS increase. So if your able to get 4P of T10 then yay for you!

Gemming your gear is now all about Agility IMO. I haven't figured out if gemming haste is worth it for feral atm. I don't have the Gold nor the gems to try. So >.> If you find out and can compare dps to me or another feral druid in just agility, let me know!

For you meta slot you want to use:
Relentless Earthseige Diamond

You'll also want Nightmare Tear

Enchanting your gear is pretty straight forward. Go with agility/AP. Weapon enchant would be Berserking (OR that's what I'd recommend).

So the stats on our gear is much different than it use to be. We now have mastery rating, agility changed a little, haste and crit are better now.

First off Agility now gives us 2 AP per 1 agility! Woot, we were getting less than 2, but they decided to match us up to other classes.

Crit now affects our bleeds, the more crit rating, the higher your bleeds are going to crit for. (My rip/rake both tick for 10k on crits).

Haste is actually appealing for feral. Haste now regenerates our energy faster. I'm unsure if this again is worth gemming into, so I'll find out eventually.

Mastery rating is something that your going to be getting off of gear. You can reforge some of your gear into mastery rating. For every additional point of mastery rating you have you gain a 3.1% bleed damage increase. Now if you have excess hit from your gear (like me), then I'd recommend reforging some of that hit into Mastery rating. This probably is another factor for my rip/rake hitting for 10k's.

Glyph of Rip
Glyph of Shred
Glyph of Berserk

Glyph of Faerie Fire
Glyph of Ferocious Bite
Glyph of Rebirth (Beneficial if someone dies. Granted we now have a 30 minute CD again on our rebirth, this can still be of help)

Glyph of dash
Glyph of Unburdened Rebirth
Glyph of the Wild

Feral tanking: Feral Tank

Now with this spec your able to play with it a little. If you want to put 2 extra points in Fury Swipes, it could increase the threat on a target. Or you can place 1 in Primal Madness, and 1 in Fury swipes. Again with this spec your able to move a few things around. Once the cap is 85 we'll continue to grow into resto.

Now our rotation is WAY different than what we had. We now have CD's on our maul/swipe attacks.

Blizzard also increased the rage needed for different attacks. And ATM with how little rage we gain from mobs in instances, it's very hard to keep up any attacks, and keeping agro on the mobs. They did add a new attack called Pulverize. Pulverize does 120% of weapon damage, and for every stack of Lacerate on the target, you do an additional damage. This however consumes the Lacerate stack and will need to be reapplied. Although Pulverize does come with a nice little buff after you use it, which is a 3% crit increase. It may be possible to keep this up constantly, for a 3% crit increase through the entire fight.

Demo Roar now reduces the damage done by anyone around you by 10% instead of reducing their AP. This is beneficial when fighting many mobs, or even a boss.

If your having trouble holding agro, then your on the same page as me. Its getting harder to create enough threat due to the rage generation issue. Now if you are tanking many mobs (Lets say in a non-80 heroic, because the mobs die fast anyways) in like ICC or RS, you can tab and lacerate to 3 stacks on each target. This will help you out in holding agro on the many mobs that will be attacking.

Swipe and maul are now on a CD. Swipe does a ton more damage, but at the cost of a 6 second CD. So holding agro on many mobs, this becomes helpful when its off CD and you have the rage for it. Maul now hits 1 target and if your glyphed for maul, then it will hit a second target for 50% of the damage. Maul now becomes a little bit of less priority. Maul also has a 3 second CD. So if your up against a boss, and you don't have a problem with rage, then go ahead and use it. Now if your fighting something that isn't creating enough rage for you then its less important. Attacks like Mangle/Lacerate/Pulverize become more of a priority than Maul.

Thorns is now a buff placed on someone that does about 2k damage for every tick, but only lasts 20 seconds. Thorns also has a 45 second CD. This will be useful for getting threat at the beginning of the battle, but that's about it. Your NOT going to want to jump out of form to throw it on yourself. Now if there is another druid in the raid/group that can possible throw it on you without causing them to lose dps/heals then cool. If not then its cool anyways. Thorns is pretty much just for an opening attack on someone and then from there out its not needed.

Faerie Fire now stacks up to 3 times. This doesn't mean you have to keep stacking it on the target, because it will stack 3 instantly. FF is a good thing to keep in your rotation also because it does do damage and will help you create threat.

There really isn't much of a rotation for tanking, just use mangle/lacerate/pulverize and swipe when you have the rage. Again maul being not so important to keep in your rotation. Also you want to keep up Demo roar and Faerie Fire.

Gear is pretty much the same as before. Not much has changed except there is more crit/hit/haste. Again the 4P tier 10 is very good for you, when using your rage generation spell thing.

Gems will stay the same. Just gem Stamina. Meta will be Austere Earthsiege Diamond
. You can get another prismatic shard (As like feral cat) in one of the slots to gain your Meta slot buff.

Enchants pretty much stay the same as well. Stamina on anything you can, +10 stats to chest, mongoose on weapon.

Stats will pretty much stay the same as before. We need stamina. Anything with agility and stamina helps. Now Haste/crit help out a little, but aren't as important as Stam and agi ATM.

Mastery rating is good as well.
Savage Defense currently has a 50% chance to proc off of critical strikes. The size of the shield is 75% of your current AP. This is modified by Mastery - with the full benefit of feral mastery but no Mastery rating on gear, the bonus is 32%. This increases the size of your shield to 75% * 132% = 99% of your current AP.
(Elitist Jerks (feral discussion))

Glyph of Mangle
Glyph of Lacerate
Glyph of Berserk

Glyph of Faerie Fire
Glyph of Frenzied Regeneration (now I'm not to sure about this one. No longer creating rage but increasing the healing taken by 30%. Could be good but not sure atm)
Glyph of Feral Charge (Not sure about this one either. There really isn't anything else you can put in there that would be beneficial for you)

Pretty much the same as Feral cat.

Macros that I use for tanking are pretty much mouseover macros, and my "focus" macros.

The mouse over macro is pretty cool and could work with any class IMO and could be beneficial for ppl.
/cast [target=mouseover] _________ (Your attack goes there)

I use this macro for Lacerate, Charge, and growl.

The other one I'll have to post when i get off work and able to open up my macro book.

Feral by night -- Click here
That's pretty much the only feral add on I have. I also use Pitbull4, AZ cast bar, Tiptac, bartender4, and a few others to improve my UI from the Blizzard one.
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Feel free to comment or critque. I'm continuing to learn my new specs and whats good. So let me know