Financial needs...please pray


Active Member
Okay I know this is going to sound redundant, because I think I had posted this a year or so back. My wife and I need your prayers as we continue to pray for God to provide for our family with the financial needs.
I will be honest, I am not sure if it so much a request for more financial stability or a reliance on God to take care of it. I have a semi-decent job at Target, and of course I am an associate pastor at a church plant which right now has very little salary for me. Hopefully in July that will change. My wife works at Sears part time as well, and she makes around the same that I do.
Here is where the question comes as to what direction we need to pray. All vehicles and the house is paid for in full, we did the dave ramsey. So we have no debt, so really all we have is groceries and the main bills to cover, which we are doing ok with, it just leaves us with very little to spend on other things. The kids are our main thing, because we want them to be able to get things when they need it. We have very little for clothes and other extras so that is why I am torn on how we need to really pray about this.
For me a big burden is the TV, we have satalite and I have prayed about disconnecting it, but my wife continues to say that all her TLC/HGTV shows are not on anywhere else. If anyone knows of a cheaper alternative I would love to hear suggestions. Anyways, I suppose I have rambled enough this morning, your prayers are appreciated. :)
Hi Andy,

You may be able to solve your TV problem via Netflix/Hulu and a Roku player. That is what we use exclusively. Netflix has many TLC titles. Not sure about HGTV. Admittedly my wife would like to have Food Network, but it is hard for us to justify the cost for one or two channels.

Also, check out Crackle.
We have a wireless network Blu-ray player that has Hulu and Netflix in the menu, I just never really looked into them...LOL
We have a wireless network Blu-ray player that has Hulu and Netflix in the menu, I just never really looked into them...LOL

Good deal! You can get a free trial of Netflix and peruse their library to see if it will satisfy your needs.
Well it is more for the kids...we let them watch Super Y and other shows that are more educational than most. Unfortunately Hulu nor Crackle have either of those types...they are more anime based, which is what I like, but we prefer the kids to have the more educated shows.
I just found that right after I posted that LOL so is Thomas & Friends...along with some of the Mickey Mouse shows they enjoy...I am going to have to talk with my wife about this because she will be losing some of her shows, but pray that she will be open to this because this would be a GREAT help to us in order to put more into savings.
Get Netflix Streaming ($8/mo.), ditch satellite, keep praying, keep on keepin' on. :)
yeah I know that is what I personally would love to do, Tek, but unfortunately my wife is not in the same mind set on this issue. Not that we are fighting over it, I just think God has not brought us both to the same conclusions, whatever those may be concerning the TV issues especially.
I too am a fan of Netflix and have a Roku player. Haven't tried Crackle yet, need an assessment of it from Christian brothers and sisters. A lot of old and new tv programs are available for streaming and dvd. Lot's of early Mythbusters even. :) We go with $16.00 a month for 2 dvds at a time, keeps up a good rotation. The best part of Neflix is no time limit on when the discs need to be back, currently I have a Sliders disc that has been out for 2.5 weeks now. Also lots of family fare available, like Veggie Tales etc., Larry Boy ftw!
1. Keep the cable and get rid of internet. This would save me about $70 a month.
2. Lower your internet bill by going with a lower access tier. You'll only really feel this if you download a lot of stuff or stream a lot of stuff. This would save me about $25 a month or more.
3. Call your satellite company and explain your thinking about dropping service because of the cost and see if they will lower your monthly bill. This actually saved me $30 a month.
Sorry, I am not sure how you would legitimately use torrent to watch television episodes or movies.

They exist.

You won't find current shows or major studio movies. So if that's what you are into I'd recommend Netflix and Hulu as suggested. We haven't had cable ...well ever and can't imagine why we would ever need it. The only time I wish we had TV is during the Super Bowl. There really isn't a good way to watch live sports online yet.
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Can Hulu be hooked to the TV

We pretty much use our computers for everything now. We only have internet, no cable, not other service. We adjusted after a few months of missing out on a few shows, but we've also discovered others that we love as much or more.

Most shows can be watched online somewhere for free. I do try to be careful if it doesn't come directly from the program's source. But a simple Googling of any show will let you know if it can be found online. Sometimes they are on youtube before they are up on the networks though. I watched the whole season of Next Food Network Star on youtube before they posted it up on the network. Is this stealing? I guess it could be except I still had to watch all the commercials, etc, which is exactly what they want me to do. And the show was a valid show posted on the internet by the network. Most networks are posting their shows the day after the live airing. But who cares, I get them for free, I get to watch them WHEN I want, I can pause them when I want, and fast forward past any parts I think are boring! WHEN I want is the coolest - no more rushing home because I just HAVE to see this or that. Commercials? Well you have them no matter what.

Anyway, we get all our movies at the local library - FREE. You can get many of the TV series seasons on DVD, again, just a year behind everyone else. Because Smallville wasn't posted on the network (which it is now), we got the DVD set for the season and watched it. Awesome part of this ... no cliff hangers! lol If you really need to see what happened, just watch the next episode.

And if we want to watch them on our family TV - with the nice big screen, we just use S-Video, RCA plugs (I think that's what they are called, the ones with yellow and white ends), or HDMI. A quick stop at radio shack and under 20 bucks will hook almost any computer up to a TV, DVD/VHS, or surround sound.

We pay 30 bucks a month for internet, thats the total cost for our video entertainment.

So, with all that said, praying with you.

Father, thank you that these parents have tried to set a good financial example for their children. Please give Logos wisdom and knowledge to make wise decisions for his family. Give his wife understanding to help birth and support his decisions. Thank you that he has been a husband who truly gives consideration for his wife and her needs and wants as well as his children's. Your Word says to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and food, drink, health, and clothing will be given unto us. Please bless them for their faithfulness in meeting their financial goals in order to free them for ministering to Your people. Help them to discern Your will in this matter and be able to take any actions necessary to accomplish it. Amen!
There are numerous options to replace cable or satellite. However, in your very first post you stated your wife was against it because she could not get her shows anywhere else. There may be more to her statement than meets the eye. Especially if she continues to come up with objections to your plan. If you force her give up something YOU'VE decided she/you/the family doesn't need you will be planting the seeds of anger and discord.

Also, considering the upfront cost of some the options it may not be your best plan currently. Especially if you have to get netflix and the rest up and running before you shut off the satellite to prove your point.

As long as you're tithing to your church, I'd recommend sitting down with your wife and letting her suggest ways you can save money. Pick one of her ideas that you agree with and try that. No matter how good your idea, if she's not on board it will only cause problems later.