Full 2.1 PTR Patch Notes

"Illumination": This talent now only gives 50% of the mana cost of the critical heal. It also now returns the correct amount of mana when used with ranks 4 and 5 of "Holy Shock".

Thanks a bunch blizzard. If had of known that blizzard was goign to nerf pally healing like this I would have rolled a shammy instead. Don't be surprised if my pally takes a long vacation. I didn't want to tank with him, which is what they are pushing pallies to do I guess.

Back to the rogue


You missed the other holy pally/shadow priest nerf. When a holy pally is full on health, spiritual attunement will not return mana. Mana efficiency took a huge nerf for pallies. I am just glad I am a tankadin, there were some nice buffs to threat generation and ardent defender helps make up the HP gap between the other tanks.
http://beta.worldofraids.com/ This link has all the links that are in the following post:

2.1.0 Patch is now live on PTR: Official Patch Notes, Screenshots, Changes

This news will be updated every hour with additional infos.

Last Update: 11am 04/14/2007 T5 changes added for Hunter and Shaman

Patch 2.1.0 went live on PTR, the patch notes are really long, you can read them here (formating in progress): PTR Patch Notes 2.1.0

- New Mobs (Illidan, New Bosses etc..)
- Tier 6 Armor Sets
- New Weapons and Shields

- Netherdrake Mount
- Netherwing Quest

New Faction Rewards:
- Ogri'la
- Skyguard

T5 Changes:
- Druid
- Hunter
- Mage
- Paladin
- Rogue
- Shaman
- Warlock
- Warrior

Class trinkets
Druid - Mangle has a 40% chance to grant 125 Strength for 8 seconds, Starfire has a 25% chance to grant up to 135 spell damage for 8 seconds, and Rejuvenation has a 25% chance to grant up to 190 healing for 8 seconds.
Hunter - Your Steady Shot has a 15% chance to grant you 250 attack power for 8 seconds.
Mage - Your spell critical strikes have a 50% chance to grant you 130 spell damage for 5 seconds.
Paladin - Flash of Light and Holy Light have a 10% chance to grant your target 130 healing over 12 seconds, and your Judgements have a 50% chance to inflict 115 damage on their target over 12 seconds.
Priest - Each time your Shadow Word: Pain deals damage, it has a 10% chance to grant you 200 spell damage for 5 seconds and each time your Renew heals, it has a 10% chance to grant you 200 healing for 5 seconds.
Rogue - 20% chance per combo point for your finishing moves to grant 132 critical strike rating for 12 seconds.
Shaman - Lesser Healing Wave has a 10% chance to grant 100 mana, Lightning Bolt has a 15% chance to grant up to 100 mana, and Stormstrike has a 50% chance to grant up to 250 attack power for 10 seconds.
Warlock - Each time your Corruption deals damage, it has a 20% chance to grant you 200 spell damage for 5 seconds.
Warrior - Your Mortal Strike, Bloodthirst, and Shield Slam attacks have a 25% chance to heal you for 300 and grant 50 Strength for 12 seconds.

New Flasks Stats:

- Flask of Fortification 500 HP and 10 Defense Rating
- Flask of Mighty Restoration 25 MP / 5sec
- Flask of Relentless Assault 120 AP
- Flask of Arcane Fortification 35 Arcane Resist 20 HP / 5sec
- Flask of Shadow Fortification 35 Arcane Resist 20 HP / 5sec
- Flask of Titans 400 HP
- Distilled Wisdom 65 Intellect
- Supreme Power 70 Spell Damage
- Chromatic Resistance 25 Resist All

The drop rate for Fel Lotus is also being increased by approximately 15%

New Elixirs:

- Elixir of Draenic Wisdom: Intellect and Spirit are increased by 25.
- Earthen Elixir: Reduces both spell and physical damage taken by 20.
- Elixir of Ironskin: Resilience is raised by 30.
- Elixir of Major Fortification: Increases health by 250 and provides 10 health every 5 seconds.

Elixir Categories
- Battle elixirs: Elixir of Major Shadow Power, Fel Strength Elixir, Elixir of Major Agility, Elixir of Major Fire Power, Elixir of Major Frost Power, Elixir of Mastery, Elixir of Healing Power, Elixir of Major Strength, Adept's Elixir, Onslaught Elixir
- Guardian elixirs: Elixir of Major Defense, Elixir of Draenic Wisdom, Earthen Elixir, Elixir of Major Fortitude, Elixir of Ironskin

Source: http://elitistjerks.com/showthread.php?t=10978

WoR reporter
On the PTR, hunters and warlocks are getting their pets mixed up. When you mount or take a grif, your pet disappears. When you land, you may get another random person's pet. Hunters have been getting other hunters' pets. Warlocks have been getting other warlocks' pets. Hunters have been getting warlock pets, and warlocks are getting hunter pets.

Best. Bug. Ever.
On the PTR, hunters and warlocks are getting their pets mixed up. When you mount or take a grif, your pet disappears. When you land, you may get another random person's pet. Hunters have been getting other hunters' pets. Warlocks have been getting other warlocks' pets. Hunters have been getting warlock pets, and warlocks are getting hunter pets.

Best. Bug. Ever.

ROFL! Screen shot with a hunter pet please.
On the PTR, hunters and warlocks are getting their pets mixed up. When you mount or take a grif, your pet disappears. When you land, you may get another random person's pet. Hunters have been getting other hunters' pets. Warlocks have been getting other warlocks' pets. Hunters have been getting warlock pets, and warlocks are getting hunter pets.

Now that is funny:)
Potent Pyrestone: +5 Spell Critical Rating and +6 Spell Damage | Red/Yellow

Nice item. This was posted by Deed under the "epic" ones. Anyone know if it's unique or not?
On the PTR, hunters and warlocks are getting their pets mixed up. When you mount or take a grif, your pet disappears. When you land, you may get another random person's pet. Hunters have been getting other hunters' pets. Warlocks have been getting other warlocks' pets. Hunters have been getting warlock pets, and warlocks are getting hunter pets.

Best. Bug. Ever.

... but on the bright side other than that it's bug free! :p
"Spell Reflection" no longer has a global cooldown. "

doesnt this seem huge? I mean forget resilance if you can bounce back many of the spells. shield bash, concussion blow, this seem pretty strong on stopping spell damage
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I am really excited about the spell reflection change:) I have missed many a reflect because of the global cooldown.
PTR patch notes update: List of changes

Blizzard updated their PTR patch notes, without specifically highlighting the changes, the knowledgeable crew at Wowinsider made an accurate list of these changes.


- Inspect distance has been increased to 30 yards (from 10 yards).
- The amount of parry rating needed to get 1% parry has been reduced by 25%.
- Many set bonuses did not work properly when combined with an item or enchantment that had the exact same effect at the exact same magnitude. That issue has been corrected on all set bonuses.


- The new battleground matchmaking system is now implemented and active. This system allows the battleground to select teams of similar equipment quality and organizational level to battle each other. For now, the system will be very forgiving about creating matchups in order to keep queue times low. However, the parameters will be adjusted as necessary when more organized teams become active in the battlegrounds.


- Bestial Wrath: The immunity granted by thtis ability now lasts the full duration of the ability. Bestial Wrath now grants immunity to Cyclone. Cyclone will no longer prevent the immunities from being granted.
- Celestial Focus: The delay on the stun effect for Starfire has been reduced.


- Impact: The delay on the stun effect has been reduced.


- Consecration: Corrected a tooltip typo. Low ranks of this ability being cast by high-level players are now being properly penalized.
- "Illumination": This talent now only gives 60% of the mana cost of the critical heal. It also now returns the correct amount of mana when used with ranks 4 and 5 of "Holy Shock". [up from 50%]


- Blackout: The delay on the stun effect has been reduced.
- Mass Dispel mana cost reduced.
- "Shadow Word: Death": Cooldown increased to 12 sec and will now properly damage the casting Priest when it is reflected. [the reflection part is new]
- Spiritual Guidance: This talent now works while the Priest is in Shadowform.


- Blade Twisting: The delay on the daze effect has been reduced.
- Gouge: This ability will no longer trigger poisons (and thus break itself).


- Earth Shock: Rank 8 is now properly considered an Interrupt effect for talents and abilities that affect interrupts.


- Death Coil is now is now subject to diminishing returns in the Horror category. Currently, only Death Coil is in this category.
- Felguard: This pet will periodically check to see if you know the talent which allows you to summon it, and die if you do not know the talent.
- Seed of Corruption: This spell will now interact properly with town guards when bystanders are hit by its detonation in a duel.


- Bloodrage: It is no longer possible to gain extra rage from this ability by using tradeskills to keep you in combat.
- Charge: This ability will now properly cause the warrior to go into combat with its target.
- Flurry: Ranks 1-4 will no longer trigger from ranged critical strikes.
- Improved Hamstring: The delay on the immobilize effect has been reduced.
- Sweeping Strikes: This ability will no longer be modified erroneously on additional targets by percent modifiers to your damage.

Dungeons and Raids

- All 25 man raid bosses who drop set tokens will now drop an additional token.

Coilfang: Serpentshrine Cavern

- Morogrim Tidewalker has been moved to a more central location in his room.
- Hydross the Unstable's hit points have been slightly reduced.
- Colossus Ragers have had their health reduced significantly.

Auchindoun: Shadow Labyrinth

- Reduced the number of creatures in Shadow Labyrinth.


- Netherspite will no longer cast Nether Burn while crazed.

Magtheridon's Lair

- Hellfire Warders have been significantly reduced in difficulty.
- Hellfire Channeler's Shadow Bolt Volley has been made much more easy to interrupt.
- The melee damage of Burning Abyssals has been significantly reduced.

Tempest Keep

- High Astromancer Solarian's hit points have been greatly reduced.

Tempest Keep: The Arcatraz

- There are fewer Protean Nightmares roaming the halls of the Arcatraz.


- Alliance Shaman PvP Sets: These sets now have set bonuses as intended.
- "Mystical Skyfire Diamond": The triggering rate on this item has been increased, but it now only reduces the cast time on spells by half; and Warlocks casting "Corruption" with maximum ranks in "Improved Corruption" will no longer consume the "Focus" buff from this gem.
- Void Crystals maximum stack size has been increased to 20 from 10.

WoR reporter
"- "Illumination": This talent now only gives 60% of the mana cost of the critical heal. It also now returns the correct amount of mana when used with ranks 4 and 5 of "Holy Shock". [up from 50%]" Down from it's current 100%...
- Felguard: This pet will periodically check to see if you know the talent which allows you to summon it, and die if you do not know the talent.

Is this to fix the problem with hunters getting warlock pets? How else would you get the pet if you couldn't summon it in the first place?

- Reduced the number of creatures in Shadow Labyrinth
Good. this run was taking too long. there's 4 bosses, that along makes SL one of the longest 5-man runs. Only Bot is longer, I think.

The delay on the stun effect has been reduced.
Does this mean that the stun will proc sooner after the spell hits the target? I only noticed about a 0.5 sec difference before. Hardly worth a huge amount of dev time, IMO.
Is this to fix the problem with hunters getting warlock pets? How else would you get the pet if you couldn't summon it in the first place?

If a Demo specced Warlock respecs his talents while the Felguard is summoned, the pet didn't despawn, so the Warlock could be running around with both a Felguard and a full Affliction or Destruction set of abilities until the pet died or despawned due to distance/flight.
seems like that wouldn't be overly useful since the only place you can train is IF/SW/Dar. Besides, at 50g per respect, it gets costly to do that.
"- "Illumination": This talent now only gives 60% of the mana cost of the critical heal. It also now returns the correct amount of mana when used with ranks 4 and 5 of "Holy Shock". [up from 50%]" Down from it's current 100%...

Yep, Blizzard likes to do that a lot. Overnerf, and then relax the nerf a tad.