Future Patch Updates


Tribe of Judah StarCraft Series Chapter Leader
I try not and post patches here because they're largely unimportant to those who are not playing the game...

But this is entirely different because this will be the very last patch before open beta, and possibly one the very few we have before the game releases.  Also, there's a lot of really cool stuff in here.

Hopefully Battlegrounds will be implemented with this!

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Since we've had lots of small hints about the next patch, I will post a summary of them here. Please remember these are NOT complete by any means and we will provide full details of the patch in the patch notes.



--We continue to spend most of our content time in Kalimdor right now.
- more graveyards
- more flight paths
- more quests
-- We are going to change it so that you cannot change armor in combat, but you can still swap items in your hand slots and ranged slots.


Here's a small sample of upcoming stuff:

--Hunter Talents and improvements
--Pally Talents and improvements (very cool changes!)
--Some *awesome* changes to the warrior
--Tons of tradeskill polish
--Lots more quests... newbie zone polish, plus additional Horde content in the re-vamped Kalimdor zones (ashenvale, desolace, stonetalon, etc.)
--More flight paths
--More Graveyards
--Onyxia >=]


--The racial traits are currently in internal testing, they aren't some nebulous feature still in concept.
Look right here at my screen *tabs to internal WoW build*... racial traits, for every race. I see 'em. =]
--Worry not, the Felhunter and Infernal are also in this push. :0
--The PvP rewards will also be in this push actually. =]
In addition, the full scoring mechanisms will be in for the honor system, along with some key refinements to how the honor system works.

Thanks to the entire dev team for their tireless efforts!
