Give your Kudos here!

I've been wanting to give some kudos for awhile, so here we go!

Kudos to McFierce for taking me on my first ever raid. I was a total noob and he was patient and didn't embarass me for my gear and gameplay. I wouldn't have taken me at that time, but he let me tag along. He's been available since then to help me get Raid Ready!

Kudos to Kristeen, Azami, & Tots for being skilled and helpful Shammy's! You guys give me the encouragement to play a undervalued and unglorified class. I love the challenge!

Kudos to Isperia, Jealot & Kristeen for helping me get my Bronze Drake! Woot!

Kudos to Catherina for encouraging me to lvl up my fishing and giving me some tools to do it with!

Kudos to Sam, Balde, Asheriah, Frans and several others that are always down with doin a Heroic or two, or three.... =)

Kudos to Goodwone for earning my Redeemed's Friendliest Member Award!! While I have some cool interactions with many of you, GW has gone above and beyond for me an others. She is a good listener, asks Good questions, and congratulates even the silliest achievements or lowest Dings. When I grow up, I wanna be like Goodwone! =)

Kudos to all that have made Redeemed a fun place to fellowship and recreate. Our guild is a pleasing aroma to the King of Kings!
Blessed be Redeemed!
Will aka Willdashammy aka Wild Shammy =)
Okay let me think here!

Kudos to my trio Ashley and Dradow, Ulduar wouldnt be quite as fun without you guys helping me heal and having a good time!

Kudos to Goodwone, my awesome tank who I always keep up in raids! (most of the time!)

Kudos to Cit for being Awesome!

Kudos to Will for being a good learner!

Kudos to Bill for switching to his shammy! and being awesome!

Kudos to Tree for being crazy!

Kudos to Gobby and Aves, I like you guys =]

Kudos to Mcfierce for being a crazy raid leader!

Kudos to Schmeea, you are so friendly and nice!

Kudos to Samboe, the misdirecting huntard!
Grateful for Angry. His patience with me has been a reflection of Jesus and his leadership in raids has really been great. thx mate. also grateful for Terr/Terrmortos. he has helped me to get going on rep grinding which i have not done much of and has also been patient with my noobness!! thx bro