Gotta play 'em all!

Well, I'm getting on later than I originally planned, but I'm patching and on the CGA Mumble Server now. I plan to play a bot match with Elihu and anyone else interested in playing as soon as the patch finishes installing.
Fiora is free-to-play this week! I hope to get on for a bot match after 9 p.m. Central tonight.
I didn't play LoL last night, so I'm hoping to get in a game tonight after 8:30-9 p.m. Central.
The second latest champ isn't free-to-play this week. What gives?
Stiiill waiting for Lulu to go free-to-play. :(
They are tormenting you into playing organized games with your friends...:eek:
That doesn't sound so bad. I suppose I should put pastry chef Morgana to work.

If I have some free gaming time between now and the free-to-play champ roster update, I may be up for a 5v5 with ToJ peeps.
Well, it's been a while, folks, but there's a new free-to-play champ this week and I want to get my bot game in before the rotation changes on Tuesday.

Anyone up for a bot match tonight (Saturday)?

EDIT: Tonight didn't work out, but I'm hoping to get in a bot match tomorrow (Sunday) night or Monday night.
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Wasn't Nautilus free-to-play 2 weeks ago? (He's one of this week's F2P champs.)
Darius is free to play this week! Might have to dust off LoL and round up a few ToJers for a bot match tonight or tomorrow (Friday).
Okay, I'm usually not a fan of melee characters, but Darius was pretty cool. I especially like how his ult refreshes instantly if you get the last hit on an enemy champion. Very cool.
Okay, I'm usually not a fan of melee characters, but Darius was pretty cool. I especially like how his ult refreshes instantly if you get the last hit on an enemy champion. Very cool.

AND yet major OP with that much damage. but yes your right he is a neat champ
Draven is free-to-play this week! Hoping to get in a game some time this weekend. Maybe Friday night or Saturday afternoon?
So who's up for a bot match this afternoon or tonight? :)
My dad was in town tonight, so I didn't play LoL as I originally planned. I'll try to play a match tomorrow night before or after (likely after) TF2sday if the free-to-play champion rotation doesn't change before then.

If it does and I miss my opportunity to play Draven for free, I'll just add him to my list to play in the future and carry on my quest.
Jayce is free to play this week! Looks like I'll be resuming my quest some time this week.
I haven't played a game as Jayce yet, but the week isn't over yet!

Anyone up for a LoL bot match tonight?