Grey Hair


New Member
Ok so I am working from home for the next 6 months to finish of my thesis and thought I would go John the Baptist style for a few months. One beard is gray! That is right I am barely 25 and I am going gray. My hair is black but my beard is gray in places, how can this be. On further inspection I found that I have gray arm hairs. I just thought I would share the disturbing news with you all.
it's not gray it's platinum, but that's okay, cuz my mom still thinks I'm special
I agree with Whon meaning u r special no dis to that! As for writing about your brother wOOt write on!
I had a few gray hairs in high school. They went away, and they've never come back. So maybe you'll "outgrow" it. ;)

Or pick up some Just for Men. Hehe. :p

I know lots of guys with multicolored beards. Or face hair that doesn't match the hair on their heads. It's no biggie. :)
I had a few gray hairs in high school. They went away, and they've never come back. So maybe you'll "outgrow" it. ;)

Or pick up some Just for Men. Hehe. :p

I know lots of guys with multicolored beards. Or face hair that doesn't match the hair on their heads. It's no biggie. :)

lol I would think this to be the case except my dad was white as a ghost by 27 so I ain't got much chance. Still supposedly it indicates my level of wisdom in Japanese cultures. Just call me ppar3566 the gray.
Maybe your beard is collecting dust? I hear they do get a lot of static cling... :p
I've had a patch of white hair since I was 17, so don't feel bad. :)
Haha, I've been thinking about this a lot lately. I'm sprouting white hairs around my temples and sideburns and on my chin for the past couple months. But at least my hair is still thick as can be :D