Guild Karazhan Run


New Member
Now that more people are keyed, I wouldn't mind starting a guild Karazhan run in the next couple of weeks. Here is the sort of class balance that would be ideal:

  1. Warrior (Prot)
  2. Priest (Disc/Holy)
  3. Warlock
  4. Mage
  5. Rogue
  6. Paladin (Holy)
  7. Druid (Resto) or Shaman (Resto)
  8. Hunter (trap spec would be nice)
  9. Priest (Shadow) or Mage or Warlock
  10. Druid (Tank or Tank/Kitty) or Warrior (DPS with a little Prot) or Paladin (mostly Prot)

The ideal run member would be able to make the run(s) most of the time. Members should come prepared with pots, food, mana/wizard oils, sharpening stones, etc. Also, prospective members should have enchants and gems up to date and in good order. And of course, having mostly the best pre-Kara gear makes things go much easier.

I imagine the runs would start off as once a week for 3-3.5 hours on either a weeknight (Monday or Thursday?) or a Saturday.

Anyone interested? If so mention the spot you would like to fill. I will probably take the rogue spot as that is my other 70.
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First off a question as I have not really looked into Karazhan too much. Is it an instance that saves you to it? And if so, what is the reset rotation?

Otherwise, I would primarily be interested in taking my feral druid (Azolas) as kitty dps, but certainly I can tank/off-tank in a pinch.

However, I could also take my paladin (Kagnus) as a prot paladin, but I can imagine that role would not be a high demand one.
Sounds like fun, certainly should be able to find 10 keyed, the question is consistently available. Good luck in there and remember to have fun :)
Paladin Tank ready to roll

I have been leveling this toon up for a while now just for this purpose. I think some of you have seen what i can do in Dungeons, and your gonna need more than one tank for a Karazhan run anyway so I would like to offer my services as a Paladin tank for this run. If you want to see how i am geared i may put together a profile although now i think you can see the new Blizzard thingy to see what i am decked out with. Sounds like fun lets do it !!

Keyed, Specced and Geared !!
70 holy specced paladin. 10.5k mana unbuffed and 1400 plus heal with light. Pally also has a decent OTing set: 13k armor with devo, 10k stam and 440 defense. Have MH'd, OH'd and OT'd most of the lvl 70 5 mans.

70 DW-fury specced warrior. Warrior has nice dps gear and a decent tanking set, MT'd and OT'd all the lvl 70 5mans. 12.8k stam 12.3 armor, 440 defense.

I have no personal toon preference.. I'll let you decide since you have been there and I have not.
However it looks like we have plenty of others keyed who can fill spot 10.
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Tinie is excitedly applying for the protection spec warrior position. Please check her gear/enchants/gems out in the armory. Tinie loves her consumables, so she always has plenty. She can be there any and every night you set up.

She is also keyed for all heroics except HH (Shattered Halls is evil), and we are working on getting the folks that group with Connor and me their keys to run the heroics to gear up more. They are very close to all being keyed with CE.

We have more than 10 Kara keyed, it is just a matter of folks being available and willing to gear/enchant/gem/consumable up:)
I've got Durruck close to ready. There may be a few enchants, etc, that I need to update. He's a Fire/Arc mage. My spec isn't really a raiding spec - I'm still doing a lot of questing, farming, and 5-man instances. Completely unbuffed, I have ~6500 hp, 8700 mp. Here is my armory. In groups, I can pump out 400-600dps, depending on what else I've got to do.

If Kara needs resist gear/potions, I'm not ready. I still have my old MC FR gear, but I haven't picked up a single resist piece since TBC came out.

I would like to be kept in mind as a fill-in. Because of my work schedule, I can only make it to about 1/2 of the runs, regardless of the day you have them.
Hey, tonight I will be getting the final final key on Neirai, then busting a few hours getting him through all the teddy gear quests in SMV. I'd like to fill in the teddy druid slot, but by all means don't bump Connor off the list so that I can come. :)

I may be "in reserve" at first while I run around and gear Neirai up. Today is my last exam for the year so I can finally do some raiding again :D
I'm interested on Berstromme, Holy Pally...but while I'd meet the consumable requirements, I'm not terribly well geared at this time. I've successfully main healed many 5 mans, but have not yet progressed to main healing heroics. So I'm probably a "second tier" person to take due to current itemization.

Will be working on my itemization over next few weeks!
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Karazhan is on a 7-day reset. It resets each Tuesday. So yes, you can only be saved to one Karazhan instance each week. (Hence, I have to bring Etoh instead of Deedlyt.)

Sounds like we have a few different options as tank. That's good as I'm sure not everyone will be able to make it each and every week. Now, about those healers... Bueller?
id like to go.. Yesmina she is resto specced

I believe she would be OK in karazhan.

Id like to go.. it just depends on the day because of my work schedule i meant to add that if i was allowed to come I could make arrangements, i just have to know

PS: tree of life FTW :) im working on getting her spirit staff and trinket
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I would say you need two very well geared tanks for nearly all the bosses. An off-tank druid or pally, or even fury warrior won't cut it, because these mobs can crit for up to 24 thousand (heck, their normal attacks are 4-5 thousand). You have to have two fully decked out tanks to attempt the fights.

Also, three solid healers are imperative for all of the fights, and everything else has to be DPS. Ranged DPS helps out a lot more (because they will take less damage on the mobs that AoE), but melee DPS should be fine as long as they know when to back out.

Good luck!
An off-tank druid or pally, or even fury warrior won't cut it, because these mobs can crit for up to 24 thousand (heck, their normal attacks are 4-5 thousand). You have to have two fully decked out tanks to attempt the fights.

From WOW forums.

1 tank-spec main tank
1 tank-spec or off spec off tank
3 heal-spec healers
1 off-spec healer
4 core dps players (mage, rogue, hunter, warlock)

I've watched a group that had 1 warrior, 3 druids, 3 priests, a mage, a hunter, and a warlock clear everything up through the opera house event (they got wizard of oz btw) in one session.

And the above guy would say it can be done with 1 prot warrior and druids.
Here are some other group make-ups that did well in there:

My personal short term goal is learn the instance. If we take down any bosses on my first time through that's def a plus.

Good luck!

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I do Karazhan each week with...

MT: Warrior (Prot)
OT: Warrior (Fury with a little Prot)
Healers: Priest (Holy), Pali (Holy), and sometimes a Druid (Resto) or Priest (Holy)
DPS: Warlock, Mage and then filling in spots with Warlock, Rogue, Hunter, Druid (OOMkin), and/or Priest (Shadow)

So far the group make up has been pretty much ideal. 3 full-time healers are a big plus on the later bosses, but we had no problem getting through all bosses pre-Prince (next-to-last boss) with a Holy Priest, Holy Pali, and a Shadow Priest. We got the Prince down to 22% no problem until our healers mana just ran out. (Phase 2 FTL)
Let me also say that either of my 70's can be decent healers, esp Azolas. He has over 10k mana buffed and is almost at 1100+ heals in healing gear.

I *might* consider respeccing Kagnus holy to run Karazhan if needed. However, as a tank he is over 500 def (he is in the "crit proof" range) and has good stats for tanking (block, parry, dodge). Only thing he is weak on right now is health a bit, which is my main gearing up focus. But as a secondary healer, his gear is decent.
I do Karazhan each week with...

MT: Warrior (Prot)
OT: Warrior (Fury with a little Prot)
Healers: Priest (Holy), Pali (Holy), and sometimes a Druid (Resto) or Priest (Holy)
DPS: Warlock, Mage and then filling in spots with Warlock, Rogue, Hunter, Druid (OOMkin), and/or Priest (Shadow)

So far the group make up has been pretty much ideal. 3 full-time healers are a big plus on the later bosses, but we had no problem getting through all bosses pre-Prince (next-to-last boss) with a Holy Priest, Holy Pali, and a Shadow Priest. We got the Prince down to 22% no problem until our healers mana just ran out. (Phase 2 FTL)

The difference is you're raiding Karazhan on a weekly basis and have gotten all the way to Prince. I'm assuming Forgiven is geared in blues and greens, doesn't have much if any experience with Karazhan, and hasn't raided yet in the Burning Crusade.

There's a difference between learning and trying an instance for a first time, and having it on farm status.

If you have one good tank and an off-tank I would say give it a try. However, it's nearly impossible to do this with less than three healers in the raid for the first several attempts.

Again, best of luck to you guys :D

PS: Woven, that group makeup on elitistjerks is really amazing, lol.
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Many of our folks (Deedlyt) included have done end game Bowser. No doubt gear is a concern but in his post, he did mention "having mostly the best pre-Kara gear" is a serious consideration. While our guild is not a raiding guild, many of us have done piles of it. We are not alien to new instances but thanks for the advice, it is good to have another perspective.
I'm definatly interested.. I've only been as far as attuneman, but we downed him.. was with a newer group so it took us a few times..

My trapping is just fine.. a few more runs in steamvaults should give me my beast lord leggings and drop my trap CD by 4secs..