Guild Reputation


New Member
Flame's "Daily Guild Quest" made me wish that he could hand out Redeemed Rep as well as lewts. Which led to me to check out my personal Red Rep (~4000/12000 honored) which has REALLY been poking along of late, it feels like. So I checked out the guildies who seem to be topping out the weekly guild activity week after week, and was startled to find that no one is radically ahead of me. Achievement-rocker Lisarayne at 6820/12000, "guild run" king Shadowbill at 5720/12000, fisherman Icthus at 10259/12000, GL Shagz at 5920/12000. It's a little odd that guild reputation isn't a sortable field on the roster. But anyhow.

1) Is anyone in the guild revered with Red yet?
2) Is anyone ahead of Icthus?
3) What is Icthus doing to get all that guild rep? in-game grilling?
4) Has any one seen a good description of the guild rep mechanic. Best I can find is from WoWhead's cata guide:
And here is how you earn guild reputation:
Completing Quests
Rated BGs
Participating in a qualifying Guild Raid Boss Kills (Raid must be composed of 8/10 or 20/25 guild members)
Earning Guild Achievements
Which is nice and all but pretty vague.

It doesn't matter a whole lot because Revered seems to unlock ZERO additional perks or rewards ... exalted gets access to the niftykeenswell epic mount that comes with Guild Level 25, but by and large, Honored seems to be the key Guild Rep level.
I'm revered 597/21,000 with my guild. I attribute it to the fact that I'm human and have downed several raid bosses as well as done many many dailies.
she's so leet; she doesn't need your bestowation :)
but for reals i saw that when i was in the same group with cakey and i was wondering what that was