if you read this before 10:30 on Thursday June the 7th, i am taking to Geometry final. it is time. no more studying, no more review, no more time to be scared! its on Geom test. BRING IT! please pray that the formulas that i have drilled in my head will will fly out of my brain (on tests they seem to be really shy) please pray that i wont guess at a question unless i have spent 15 minutes on it. this is the big one. if i pass this thing you may see me typing gibberish in alliance chat out of pure joy. please, pray.
GOD DID IT! HE GOT THROUGH ME THE TEST! it was easier than i thought and i expect an A of the low sorts or a very high B. thanks for the prayer guys! SCHOOLS OUT FOR SUMMER! AND DUCKY WILL E INVADING GW FOREVER!!!!!!
woot great job Joey! glad to see your school year is done. I got about 5 more school days till im out. If ya feel like it, next week you could pray for my finals.
what do you mean if i feel like it? you could always use prayer! and i would be glad too, same for you too Twinny.
dont worry eh. You will do great eh. I know i am being stereotypical with the eh, eh. But whatever eh.

Will pray for you Humble.

which wouldn't be suprising but it's the highest grade I've gotten on any final this year and I'm not that great at Algebra this year!! I prayed and prayed for a high A ("100 would be awesome, Lord, but I would be satisfied with an A at all" was what I said) :D :D :D :D :D :D still prayin' for ya twinny
Well I'm certainly happy for you guys, I get my English Diploma Wednesday. Its the multiple choice test, and I have a tendency to fail those, especially English, because there are 4 right answers usually. Only one of this is more right... :( prayer would be greatly appreciated
OK, well tomarrow starts my journey. I think i will be taking a Vocab test from all year tommarrow. maybe tuesday... anyway, this week will be filled with tests. WIsh me luck!
GOD DID IT AGAIN! he kept my head focused and clear and helped me get a B on my geom final! OH YEAH! WHO IS AWESOME?!?!!? GOD IS AWESOME!!!!!! WOOT TO THE NESS!
oh, i guess i should say how my finals went. Well i got a B+ on the Lab Bio final. and it felt like i did well on all the others. My report card should be comming in soon so i'll let you know how i did :)