Harvest Festival Cookout – Guild Social Event, Part the Second


New Member
At the end of this month Azeroth will celebrate its Harvest Festival. In the past, the guild has not officially participated in the festival. This year, however, will be different. All the level one cadets from The Forgiven Academy of Stormwind are invited to a cookout. Unfortunately, the nearsightedness of the event coordinators has resulted in a lack of supplies for said picnic. Therefore, it will be the responsibility of the cadets, working in 4- or 5-man teams, to collect the necessary supplies. Even more unfortunately, said supplies are currently in the possession of the denizens of Azeroth that are considerably higher level than aforementioned cadets.

Once each team has collected the requisite supplies, we shall meet in Stormwind Park, partake of nourishment, and celebrate the survival of the cadets (if there are any) with fireworks. We look forward to seeing you at the gates of Stormwind on Saturday, 22 September, at 6:30 server time. Please post here or in Group Calendar if you plan on attending. See below for event details and rules.

1. Please log on EARLY with a guilded toon and meet in front of Stormwind.
2. We (Samsomite and Shebaely) will divide participants into 4-5 man teams.
3. Each team will discuss/choose which classes they’ll use and create a HUMAN toon. NOTE: The mobs will be considerably higher level than you, so casters will be resisted a lot. Also, said mobs hit hard, so you’ll want some good healing.
4. Once you’ve determined your class, quickly create your level 1 HUMAN toon.
5. Join chat channel TFcookout. This is very important because each team will be in their own group. This channel will allow everyone to communicate as necessary (like a guild channel).
6. I will pass out a letter to each member that will list the items to be collected for the picnic.
7. Teams must collect all the items, and then meet at Stormwind Park.
8. You cannot receive any assistance (i.e., money, gear, etc) from guild members (or non-guilded toons owned by guild members). If someone tries to help, please ask them NICELY to leave.
9. Leveling and training are allowed, if you want to take the time to do so.
10. First team to arrive at Stormwind Park with all the required items wins.

One of the required items is a prairie chicken. You can read how to obtain one here.

Just so you know, we tested this event prior to creating it. A warrior, rogue, warlock, pally, and priest completed it. By the time we killed the highest level mobs, we were level 3.

Also, if your system will run FRAPS, please download it and record video of your adventures. These files can be sent to Sheri so she can make another uber TF movie.
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I think one of the rules we discussed but no mention was made of (and if it was ditched just ignore this post) is NO MODS. When you create your level one toon, disable all the mods for that character before you enter Azeroth :D

I'll be there...looking forward to it.
Unfortunately I will miss this due to being at a business meeting. Sounds like great fun, tho...
Mike and I won't be able to be there either, as we'll be at an out-of-town wedding this weekend. But it sounds like a good time will be had by all. Have fun! :)

Remember to follow the directions in the original post. It won't be Samsomite & Shebaely doing the group divisions, but you'll see an officer in front of Stormwind at 6:30. Please be on your GUILDED TOON. This is so we can break into teams and provide you with basic feedback from our test run.

Please make sure you have 1 free character slot prior to the event. You will be creating a new L1 toon to participate. Being on TS is encouraged (at least for listening) but is not required.
This sounds like a hoot. Once again I have a conflict and will be unable to make it. I look forward to the video.
Tonight's events were a lot of fun. There were a few little snags (poor planning on my part) but we managed to even have a little raid on hogger. Good times. Video will be posted soon...check the photo album on the website for everyone's contributions :)