Helping with the War effort - farming linen in Dead Mines


Hey all, I am using Zenoir to lay a smack on the occupants in Dead Mines to secure a large repeatable source of linen for linen bandages. Is there a better place to farm for linen then Dead Mines?
I don't believe so, next instance up is either SFK or Stockades and they're both about 50% wool for cloth drops
By the windmill in Westfall is supposed to be the best place to farm linen. My friend went on his 60 warlock....and killed 50 mobs in 3 minutes and took 4 minutes to pick up over 50 linen (I was timing him myself hehe).
I would like to make a suggestion as well. First I like to state that Terenas is 43rd in the rankings. But what is worse than that is that we are losing to the Horde on our server. I personally do not want Blizzard to start giving us the things we need. I would perfer that we do this on our own.

With that in mind, I'd like to make a suggestion. Maybe on Friday night, or any night for that matter (could be tonight, whatever), why don't we get together as a guild (higher lvls mainly) and each one of us do a seperate Dead Mines run. And to make it somewhat worth while, I'd like to make a fun competition out of it. Here would be the rules below and let me know what ya think.

1) Minimum amount of people to play = 5 We need the linen for the server.
2) Need a volunteer (not part of the 5 minimum listed above) to stay in IF for the run of Deadmines. This is where everyone will meet prior to the run.
3) Once the competition starts, the person who makes it to Deadmines, and through it (Honor Code here people) and back to "base" which is in IF, wins.
4) 1 person per instance
5) Winner will get from me, 5g. Second place gets 1g.

I know 5g might not be a lot to some people, but I'd just like to make this fun. After all, it is only Deadmines. lol. Remember here people, the object is to get as much linen as possible also, not just to win. I'm trying to help out the server as a whole.

Let me know what you all think, or anything that I can remove or add. Just thought it might be fun for the guild to do. Hope some of you like it.

- Chris
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hehe great suggestion but I would spank ya all. I'd portal to SW and a quick flight to Westfall. My strat in DM is to gather 10 - 15 mobs and aoe so my runs are under 15 minutes at a time ;) but hey my lowbie rogue wouldn't mind 5g. My addiction to superior healing pots in WSG have me rather broke at the moment.
In leu of farming silk...

Hey, anybody up for Scarlet Monastery runs?
My lvl 46 hunter happens to need a run anyways, so i'd be up for filling out a party. I play mostly friday nites.
Hawk, take a pally with you to keep concentration aura up and grab 30+ mobs then have him BOP you so you can cast Arcane Explosion until your hearts content. Toss in some heals and BOFs to keep you moving along and you should be able to do it even quicker.
Oh, its not cause I can't do more silly pally ;) It is cause the stacked bodies are too hard to quick loot :) hehe, I have to stagger them in a line. mahahaha
Better Linen Farming


I am finding that Stonesplitter Valley in Loch Modan is good for farming linen. The troggs are loaded with it.

