Herbie The love bug



I got the coolest news, Disney is working on a remake of Herbie. I loved that movie. But I hope they don't use a beetle convertable, they look ugly.
Now, what was wrong with the old one?
If it ain't broke, don't fix it...

Remakes generally turn out bad; mostly, I believe, because it's done for money.
I'm sorry there are certain things that should be left alone ... and this is one of them !!

I am an old goat and a big fan of old Disney Movies..sniff...I grew up watching them !!!!

GOSH DARN IT !! oops..sorry..
In the original, Herbie destroyed a Lamborghini out of jealousy....grrr, thats a sin, destroying a Lamborghini.  LOL.  I put in an order for my SV...w00t.  Herbie can not destroy this Lambo...

Actually, they didn't destroy a Lambo in the movie...during that scene, it oddly enough changes into a Jaguar, E-Type if I am not mistaken. Whew....sad none the less, but at least it wasn't a Lambo ;)
not all remakes are bad look at the italian job, and Oceans 11, they were great. Eventhough I loved the theme music from the end of the original italian job, I think they did it justice.

But I think Freaky friday was remade by disney, and the original was way better.
oceans 11 was way better than the orignal, and i never saw orignal itailian job but i enjoyed that one. freaky friday was just plain stupid forgive me for my lack of movies that are chickflicks yet really arent O_O
[b said:
Quote[/b] (MaxX @ Aug. 01 2004,8:56)]imho, disney=pure and total crap

except for the emporers new groove

Yeah right....pure and total crap...cripes...

How many have you actually watched, that were not cartoons ??
Miracle was made by disney and that was pretty alright. Farenheight 9/11 was going to be released by disney but it was too controversial and it wasnt going to be released at all, but a Canadian news team (CBC) broke the story and the american networks picked it up. Do any of you remember the news story that somebody had posted a link to on this forum that was like 10 years old and was about "a network called 'internet?'" That was from CBC. funny stuff.