Heroic guides


New Member
So my gear's now ok, and my UI setup and button-mashing is non-stellar but competent ... but I'm still scurred of heroics because I haven't run enough normals to be familiar with many of the boss fights. Throw in the randomness of pugs and the fact that as a healer I'l be a single point failure for the group ... and it seems like a recipe for a fail, so most nights I just go dig holes instead, which is starting to get dull.

Is there a solid heroic dungeon walkthrough website out there that I could reasonably use as a crutch? There seem to be good "news/analysis" websites out there that stay current (EJ, wowinsider) ... and WoWhead remains great ... but stuff like wowwiki and wowpedia and tentonhammer and bosskillers either seem non-updated for post-release Cata ... or give "description" rather than "strategies." I want something that tells me for each boss what to do, what not to stand in or under, and when I need to do something funky like stop healing or click on some gizmo -- that's it.
nothing beats experience. running each instance at normal will give you an idea, then start queing for specific heroics, the lower level ones. healing in this expansion is tough. i leveled healing on my shammy, and i am still trying to heal the higher heroics like grim batol (ouch) on heroic.
didn't we have this conversation a month ago? Don't be afraid to fail, just dive in.
nothing beats experience. running each instance at normal will give you an idea, then start queing for specific heroics, the lower level ones. healing in this expansion is tough. i leveled healing on my shammy, and i am still trying to heal the higher heroics like grim batol (ouch) on heroic.

I think that's what I should do ... part of the heroic fear is that seeing either brand new stuff (heroic deadmines and SFK) or stuff I'm only faintly familiar because I haven't run enough normals ... just avoiding the "dungeon randomizers" on the LFD tool should remove a decent chunk of anxiety.
Gilga Anxiety is sort of an on going state, I think?

Doing a few with guildies will make it better. Especially, some of the easier heal heroics.
Gilga, as of yesterday my DK can start running heroics. I've been running normals as DPS to learn them, but would like to tankify myself, too, so I'm pretty much in the same boat. Feel free to holler anytime you see me on, and I'm more than likely up for a heroic run. We can be noobs together. =)

As far as guides, tankspot looks to have some pretty decent video guides, and they're not necessarily tank specific. I'm not sure if they've got them for all the level 85 instances, but the few that I've looked at have been pretty helpful.
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Oh Gilga =P

Just ask in guild if anyone wants to run a heroic! I'm pretty sure anyone in the group would be willing to give you a little run through of what you need to know before each encounter. I'd be down to run with you if I'm not already doing something else.

There's nothing better to help you get over your fear until you face it, head on. Once you get through this and start running heroics on a regular basis, it'll be cake...errr cakey =)
Totally appreciate all the guildy offerings! Challenge is that my dungeon window is usually 10:30/11 to 12 PM server time ... so I miss the window for most of you since people, actually, like sleep ... except for Gala who's up then but should be writing papers and such. While there have some times when I seem to log on right when someone's putting together a group ... it tends to get at times when I'm barely awake and when hole-digging is about the right speed for me...

Icthus: The first time I tried to run Scholo (in early 2006 probably), I pugged it ... and couldn't figure how hope to open the locked door after the side entrance, didn't get a single heal to the group on the first trash group (so they wiped), and they immediately kicked me. I'm thus scarred and scurred for life.
Oh, I'm still up around those times. o.o Just need to get another 75%~ experience to level. XD

Also, if you're meaning just dungeons, head to WoWpedia and check out the Cata dungeon pages. At the bottom, there's the LoD Youtube Videos which have heroic guides. If you mean raids... Tankspot or Youtube would be your best bet.
Gilga, I might be able to hit the early part of your window sometime. The problem is, I usually like to do my random earlier to make sure it's done (I'm east coast, to make time worse). If we're both on and I haven't done my random yet, I'll queue up with ya.
start with blackrock and throne of tides, those are easier heroics, then vortex and lost city.
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So, here's how this went -

Around midnight (maybe 12:30 to 1), Baddwin convinced me to not be wimpy, and he, Cynica, and I queued for a heroic. Throne of Tides popped, but for whatever reason the tank didn't like ToT so we re-queued (but took down the first ToT boss).

Then we got Grim Batol. Easy, right? Great way to start on heroics -- lines up exactly with all of the advice you've posted here... sigh...

Well anyhow, we muddled through ... we kept shedding Shammy dps, then we shed a shadow priest, and finally a warrior stuck with us. We didn't tank down the 2nd to last boss, but we did take down the last boss. No stupid wipes, although I did die by falling in a crack in the ground by the dragons that you ride (sigh). Ended up being up until 3 a.m.+ on a school night, awesome!

Anyhow, Cynica rocks for having guided us all through it, and Baddwin rocks for having gotten us to do it. And ultimately my conclusion is:
1) Don't queue heroics after 11 p.m. if I need a decent night's sleep
2) They're not thatttt scary at the end of the day. When we wiped, we wiped because mistakes were made, not because the level of difficulty was too much and I couldn't keep up the heals. It did help to have a pally tank to did save himself several times, I'll admit ... but overall, if that's one of the nastier heroics, I feel much better about heroics now...
I had a ton of fun in spite of the goofs. Learned a few things, too, which is a bonus.

My thanks go to Cynica, too, for putting up with our foolishness and nonstop banter. (Even though I was joking just about the whole time, I really was paying attention...promise!) And Gilga, lemme know how those steak knives work out for you. ;)

I'd love to find a late night group to run those on a regular basis. Looks like Keero may be joining us shortly, too. (Grats again on 85!) I need to sort through my gear ATM. I was going for mostly DPS gear ramping up to 85, but now am trying to put a tanking set together, so I'm left in kind of a middle ground of having part of both, so no well defined focus to my gear. I'll have to sort through it all and see what I can tweak with what I currently have in my bags to see if I can bring a little focus back to it.

Anyway, I'd agree that an earlier start time is probably a good idea, but I also think that as we run these more they won't take quite as long.

Overall, for a first heroic run, it was an overall thumbs-up, but with definite room for improvement. Waaaaay more fun with guildies, too. =)

Actually, as I'm thinking about it, I'd love to offer my help to Keero for running normal 85s to get you geared and to figure out our group dynamics (as well as better learning the fight mechanics), if you'd be interested. Since we're generally on late together, we might as well start working the kinks out, right?
if you can heal grim, you can heal anything......yea! im sure cyns uber dps helped. so you skipped the second boss? can't skip the 3rd one,and i think there a 4 bosses, with the 3rd one being the big nasty that i've had trouble with healing.
Well, there are four bosses, in this order:
General Umbriss (dragonspawn)
Forgemaster Throngus (ettin dude who pats around the forge)
Drahga Shadowburner (caster who gets on a dragon in phase 2)
Erudax (big demon insect thingee)

We did Umbriss and Thongus, skipped Drahga, and did Erudax.

I think the ettin dude is the "big nasty" that you're taking about and indeed, you can't skip him ... but he's 2nd unless there's some weird way to go through the map that we missed. I think we one-shot him, wasn't bad at all. Had tons more trouble on Drahga and we did take a few attempts to get Erudax down. First boss also took a few attempts until I realized I was supposed to stand on top of the tank so I didn't pick up aggro on any of the adds.