Hi everyone. May you live to serve the Lord!

G4G Scotty

New Member
Hi everyone, an introdution of myself & May you live to serve the Lord!

Hey, how is everyone doing?

And I am guessing this is the right section to introduce yourself. :)

I found out about this forum, oh awhile back but just never register or really checked it out.

I am good friends with Blade and Yayap, which I know some of you know here.

I little about myself - I am 29, married, with two kids and live in Chicago!

Don't do to much right now as I am a stay at home Dad, at the moment. It worked out better this way when we moved here, last year, the cost of child care is crazy high here in Chicago. We are both originally from St. Louis.

Wife is a nurse, so we get ago fine, thankfully and thanks the Lord!

I am a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ and am a Christian!

Other hobbies right now are mainly just arcade forums, chess and my two boys.

Grew up during the beginning of gaming. (I am all old school):) My first computer / gaming system was an "Adam" computer if any one has heard of that. :)

In high school I played the Saxophone in Marching band and in Concert band. I also played hockey, basketball and football! (Just with the friends though) :)

Favorite teams are Rams, Cards, and Blues! Got to stay loyal! Even though I do live in Chicago now. :)

I am an Admin at the forum - Gamers_4_God. It was first set up for the browser based game "Ogame.org" but it is of course used for what ever else people want to talk about, is open to anyone and hopes to bring Glory to God!

In the past I believe we have been asked by you guys if we wanted to be added to your guys site, but I didnt know about it and it just was not acted upon.

May the Lord Jesus bless you and may you live to serve Him!!! :)

Our fourm - http://z12.invisionfree.com/Gamers_4_God/index.php?
Big ups Scotty, glad to have you here. Do you play chess online anywhere? Cause if you do I'd be glad to lose a few games to you. :)
Yes the best site that I have found is Chess.com

Scottyknight is my user namer there.

And I sometimes play on Gameknot.com but I like chess.com better.
Welcome to the forums! Glad to have you join and we at CGA are always looking for other Christian communities to get linked up with. (If 1 person can change the world, how much more can a group do?) Like you I am in my late twenties, married, no kids yet, live in the midwest (Oklahoma), am a devout christian, and love to play chess. I've never played on chess.com before, but I'd be willing to create an account for some fun. my fav. is speed chess BTW, so we might have to try that one or two times if you're whooping me in normal chess...lol. God bless though, and glad to have you here!
Welcome to our forums! I remember the Adam computer...lol. My first computer was a TRS-80. I used to play chess... I'll have to check out chess.com.
chess.com, eh? I'll have to check it out.

Yeah I believe the site is fairly new. And it has about all of the features you would want, for free!

So far it is the best site that I have found.

ScottyKnight - is my username, just send me a game challenge.

and I can add you to my friends list. :)

Thanks for the welcome!
Hi, Scotty! I'm new here too. I'm not sure if I can call myself an old-school gamer since I'm only 21, but I did become a master at Oregon Trail. :D No one in my 4th grade class could hunt rabbits like I could.

lol that is funny. I was my 6th grade checkers champ. So I then got to go up against the principle. I was so nervous that I played super conservative. So conservative that I lost bad! I didnt want to lose any pieces and because of it I backed myself into a position that the next move I did was a double jump for him anywhere I went! And he keep doing that. I was pretty mad at myself, because I thought I could have beaten him. :)

And I remember that game, a classic! About 6 years ago me and my wife tried Oregon Train 2 thinking it would be like the first one but with better graphics.

....no it wasn't very good. :( I thought one of the best things about the first one was the fact that you see yourself driving the wagon, moving along the trail and watching things happen to you, like robbers, broken wheels and such. :)

In this second one you dont see anything except a map of the US and a red line moving across the map!

The concept was the same, taking the right equipment at the beginning and stopping in towns to buy and trade but the game play was sub par. And what you saw at stops was a first person view of someone looking at you when they asked a question.
You did make the same stops as the first and are asked questions based on what happened to you in the game and you do hunt (first person style) but IDK the game was ok. :)
But But But, the second one you got to see your tombstone (and give yourself a message? I can't remember)
Yeah I dont remember either.

And thanks for the welcome, Keero.

So anyone up for that chess game?