Holy Pally Healing Builds


New Member
I've been asked for by a few people about good Holy Pally Healing builds.

/wall of text follows (beware)

There are two basic builds out there.

A Protection Build: http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=sxAztMzhVuMxRtacbVbh

This build increases your healing on a target effected by your Devotion Aura by 6%, gives you Kings, and Divine Guardian which allows you to absorb 30% of the raid damage taken while you are bubbled. Very handy indeed. It also still allows 51pts in Holy Tree to get Beacon of Light an incredibly useful tool in a Holy Pally's healing toolbag.

A Retribution Build: http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=sxAztMzhVuMxRtZVcbx0h

This build focuses on getting you an extra 8% Critical Strike Chance. You can pick up Improved Might to go along with Improved Wisdom from the Holy Tree and rely on another Pally for Kings. Benediction increases your mana efficiency and Heart of the Crusader gives a 3% Crit Buff on all attack made against that target by the raid. There is 2 more talent points you can spend wherever.

I currently run the latter build, I'd link my build but the Armory seems to be offline at the moment. As for stats you are looking to stack Spellpower, Intellect, Crit, Haste, MP5.

With a very large mana pool (more than 20K) and Seal of Wisdom up and in range to whack on something with it I have an endless supply of mana. Spell cooldowns are my biggest problem. Seal of Wisdom grants you 4% of your maximum mana back (~800 mana per swing). Holy Light costs 29% of your base mana (~1,649 mana before talents or other abilities). Flash of Light is only 7% base mana (~390 mana). Combine with talents like Divine Illumination that grant you 60% mana back when you crit you can get to a point in gear where you can heal in a fight for a very long time because of the synergy. There are still fights in Naxx where I have to occasionally take a mana pot Sapphiron, and Kel'Thuzad, because of fight dynamics and the nerf to Divine Plea.

Raid wide healing is still a struggle for Holy Palladins Beacon of Light can help especially in 5 mans. That is where the Protection talents come in for the first build. Your bubble buys the raid 30% damage reduction for 12 Seconds. Could be the key to get through an enrage, massive AOE etc & your heals land for an extra 6% healed.

Depending on the type of raiding you'll do and who the other healers you are grouped with can effect your build decision as well as your personal playstyle obviously. If you have questions or comments please don't hesitate to ask.
One thing to point out is that in 3.1, Blizz thinks that they will make Kings a class skill... which means every pally will have it.

Interested to know what will replace it, though.
Hey Mike..

Check out this Holy build for EOE. http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/classes/paladin/talents.html?tal=503501520001301531025012511403203220300000000000000000000000000000000000000000 I tried to put one together that would compliment your Holy build & take into consideration our group make-up for the EOE encounter. I wanted to retain Imp devo/kings for obvious reasons.

I was also able to pick up divine favor (30% raid wide dmg reduction while bubble is up) It cost me conviction/benidiction, but in this single fight..what I gain for the raid seems far better then what I'm losing.
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Danny your choice is spot on for the Raid needs in EOE and is a solid build on its own. Similar to one of the Holy Pally PVP builds I've seen. Should work well...