Homemade forum sig...


New Member
I haven't been all that happy with the forum signatures that I have been able to generate from the various web sites...
so I decided to make my own from a screenshot I took a long time ago while the server was down for maintenance.

Please tell me what you think and should I use it, and should I also make some for my other characters?


Anything you'd change?
I know I gotta go on a search for some more fonts. =\
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Now that I look at it again, I think I'll move the writing around some and place the legions logo on the far left side with "The Elect" across the bottom of it.
...And an updated picture for sure.
I can't remember if I saved it in layer form or not, lol.
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Not a fan of the level 44 templar font, looks like Jemplar. :p
No, it doesn't update, but I'm thinking of making the sig a link to Aion's character info page.
Since I'm 44 now, his main stats aren't going to change all that much for a while.
I may drop the Abyss rank and put some catchy line in it's place.
At least it's pretty easy to read (Except Keero's Jemplar :rolleyes: j/k) and it's an actual picture of Abar.

I'll get me some mo fonts and start on ver 1.1!
Here's the new version and got it clickable to Abar's Character page from Aion...

Think I'm gonna use it for a little bit until I learn Gimp better.
This is my first time using it, so not the best yet. =\
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version 2.1

Added the title and changed the stats font, now I'm happy with it (OCD :rolleyes:).

Here is one I made for Khali when she gets accepted on the forums...
