Hot Very hot


New Member
Well guys the newspaper headline over here today is "Sydney hottest place on earth". A bit of an overstatement perhaps but it will be 110 up to 115 in some places. Anyways the scary bit was that at 9.00 last night I went to walk the dog and could not breath due to the smoke. Our house backs onto the bush and there are bushfires in the area and the bush near our house is small. I think we are safe as they are not in our area but we have our fire plan ready but yer think of me today ;)
survived by going to a star wars convention for my nephews birthday. That should let you know how hot it is considering I dont really like star wars. Fires are gone from near us to so that is good.
We are yet to see. Of course that would mean that the star wars fans would have to venture from their rooms into the outside world and I dont see that happening ;)
I would almost welcome those temperatures for a day or two maybe. I'm sick of all this ice!

We're supposed to be hitting a high of 54 degrees tomorrow. Woohoo! Melt that ice away!
You really want this weather. We had a forcast this year I have never seen before. At the beginning of January they said the weather will be humid, hot and over 35 degrees C (you do the translation) until the 9th of Feburary and you know what it has been (next few weeks dont look much better). I walked past an umbrella the other day and went, hmmm I wonder what that does.

Still it is not all bad, at least i am not with Rizz and the other folk from the mother country in about a billions feet of snow :D
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Sad News

Today the hot whether went from annoying to sad with 700 homes destroyed and estimates up to 100 dead from bush fires in the state next to ours. There are 40 fires burning in our state and tomorrow is supposed to be d-day for us. While this is not a large disaster by world standards, this is the worst loss of life from a natural disaster for our country and may surpass the amount that died in the terrorist bombings in bail 2002. Please have us in your prayers.

On the lighter side,
I'd trade you climates any day.
I couldn't help but notice the irony for me in this statement. The last time I experienced heat this uncomfortable was in Michigan where I noticed you are from during that massive heat wave a few years ago. The temperature was not that bad but I was staying in the dorms at Uni of Michigan in those old dorms across from the hospital. Those buildings were definitely designed for cold not heat. The building got so hot that, for some strange reason, the fire alarms would go off every night at about 3am and I had to stand outside in my PJs with 50 other people.
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I just saw an article about the fires when I got home from work tonight. Prayers are with you and your country dude
The last time I experienced heat this uncomfortable was in Michigan where I noticed you are from during that massive heat wave a few years ago.

Haha, yeah. When Michigan gets that hot all I do is complain about the heat and offer climate-swaps with Siberia.
I just saw an article about the fires when I got home from work tonight. Prayers are with you and your country dude

Thanks:) Today is quite cold really at about 80-85 with a chance of rain and the wind was not as bad as expected so it looks like our state will escape. However, the officail death toll in Victoria (the adjacent state) is over 100 and they still haven't got to some places yet. The fires literally wiped out whole towns without any building left standing. People never really had a chance with temperatures in the range of 120 and galeforce winds in some places. It is really sad to see interviews with people who still dont know where there loved ones are. We were lucky in that my uncle and his wife who are in their 70s were in one the worst effected areas and while he lost his shed and the homes next door to him were destroyed his house was saved. My wife also has family in the area but all reports are that they are OK.
I'm not hearing much good news about the fires in Australia on the local news. I am praying you and your family and friends are safe!
Update: Well the death toll looks like it will go beyond 200 with estimates as high as 340. Last night I found out my Mom's cousin lost there house and property and my wifes cousin and her aunty are still in evacuation centres and are yet to find out whether they still have homes left. The death toll is beyond belief as we are used to bushfires and know how to prepare our houses. Many of the people who died had petrol gehnerated fire fighting equipment and had extremly well prepared houses. Thanks for the prayers.