How does this work?


New Member
Hey guys, I've been thinking and I have a question about factions. Many people think Factions is an expansion to guild wars when, in fact, it is not. But then I started thinking about my answer. Is Factions really a seperate game of its own. If someone owned factions but not Prophecies that means they can only get the Rt and the ******oops*******oops*******oops* professions right? Isn't that a little screwed up? One more question. I hear people use the word "Core" alot. Does core mean the 5 basic professions or does it mean Prophecies because it was the first one out?
yes people _do_ have access to the *other* 5 professions, but they dont have access to the prophecies only skills..

the core is often referred to the 5 base professions and the *core* skills, ie those available to either prophecies or faction only players.
Each chapter of the Guild Wars series will be a stand alone game. Each chapter will offer access to that chapter's PvE (Explorable areas, missions, with the more traditional RPG style) content and all the common PvP content on the battle isles. Additional chapters will allow access to the additional PvE content for that chapter. Characters are able to travel back and forth between each of the chapter's content although much of the low level content, missions and quests will not be available beyond each character's "home" continent.

The first chapter on an account will offer 4 character slots total for PvE AND PvP characters combined. Each additional chapter should provide 2 additional slots. Beyond those, extra character slots can be purchased through the game client.

The 6 core classes are: Elementalist, Mesmer, Monk, Necromancer, Ranger and Warrior. These were the only ones available in the original (Prophesies) campain. They will be available in EVERY additional campain as well.

Additional classes have and will be introduced in most, if not all, future chapters. For Factions, the classes are Assassin and Ritualist. For the upcoming Nightfall chapter, they will be Dervish and Paragon.
the skills are also different, you gain skills with factions, and certain skills in prophecies are not available to factions-only