I need some objective oppinions please


New Member
I'm writing a persuasion paper for my english Comp I class and I have decided to write on the fact that it is ok for Chrisitians to play video games. This is a major part of the course and I really need to make sure that I'm getting my point across.
   I really need objective opinoins on this paper. If any of you could help me out please take a look at this link and let me know if you see anything inaccurate or any points that I did not address. (FYI this paper has to be between 500-800 words so not all issues were addressed)
God and Video Games
Any input will be greatly appreciated.
As a side note this is something that I am exploring in my own spiritual life as well.
hmm.. if it is to do with cs.. rizz has a very good article on his webpage ( http://rizz.toj.cc/ ) on it, its somewhere on there..
If you're using any scripture references, Id use 1 Corinthians 8 in there somewhere, thats where I derive my position on Christians and gaming on, in which it talks about eating meat thats been sacrificed to idols. Is it ok to eat? After all, it is only meat, and fine to be eaten, unless you are troubled by it being sacrificed or it trouble another person, since then you may end up thinking you are glorifying some false god in the process. Apply it to video games. Its a game, no more, no less, unless you are looking for it to be more. Its contentmay or may not seem offensive to you. I for one, am fine with games that have a lot of violence and blood, fine with ones that have swearing since its usually a relief to hear a bit less of it for a time, lol, and Im even fine with "occultic" stuff in a game as long as the game is not obviously glorifying it. For myself, I draw the line at explicit sexual content, since I know that may cause my thoughts to wander ways in which they should not.

Just some thoughts on some other stuff you can included. Good job on it so far, btw.
This paper was written to satisfy one of the requirements of my ENG Comp I class. Its intended audiance is my professor who is reading as a semi-hostile audiance.
Outside of class I am directing this article to youth and young adults. There are really two points I am trying to get across to the reader. First that God created man as a dynamic being. Other than what the bible says we should and should not do each person has to weigh things based on their own spiritual life and personal convictions. The second point is that game ministries are a valid way to bring people into the church.
Finally I'm really thinking about this subject in my own spiritual life. I'm really considering getting a degree in multimedia and game design so I wanted to make sure that it wouldn't conflict with God's word.
As a side I will most likely expand on this paper in the future because the more I dig into the subject the more intrersting it gets.