I need some prayer


New Member
Hey guys, I just want a request from you guys for some prayer. I'm really having a hard time in Macro Economic class. I'm about 2 1/2 chaptors behind and I can't seem to understand the material. I put so much time and effort into it and it feels like im throwing my time away. I went to see my teacher about it and he basicly looked at me like I was some kind of idiot. He thinks everything is so simple. He explains it in class but I just don't get it. I was doing fine until this month. Then I really started struggling. I do have learning disabilities and it does make it extra hard on me. When I went to my first year of College they told me I would never make it. But here I am on my 3rd year. Please pray for me its getting me really upset :(
Yeah, but Im just so far behind. I mean I gave it my best shot. Thats all that counts when you come down to it no matter what pepole think.
AMEN Elindar! all that matters is that you tried ur best. We shouldnt worry about what people think of us (eaiser said then done obviously), all that matters is what God thinks of us. "God intervenes in the affairs of men by invitation only" that one quote has helpped me in my life more then i can count. It really makes me come to God with ALL my problems, even the ones that we dont think matter. Like getting good drops on a FoW run, God still wants to hear about whats improtant to us.

What im trying to say Elindar, ask God and either he will help you, or he will tell you to go down a different path. another thing that has helpped me, is when i was reading the Bible one night i stumbled upon a side note that says God doesn't do things at someones asking, you have to work at it and then God will help, sry but i cant find the scripture to show u.

still praying for you buddy!