Idea for raids


New Member
Seems as if we are having a problem getting a good turnout for raids at one time or another so I have an idea to knock around which is not original.

Is there a way to set up some raid teams outside of the Veterans? Maybe those interested could sign up with availability times posted, toon, spec, a specified source gear score (i.e. WoWHeros), etc. Then possibly someone with the smarts could make up the teams in a balanced fashion. Friendly in-team competition might be fun and a driving factor. Perhaps these could be set up in addition to the regular guild raid nights when we could work on progressing our ICC 25. These teams could then set up their own schedules as to their level of dedication or availability. That way some late nighters may have a regular raid, as well as some early daytime players (if there are any...hehe). And if some only have time to raid once a week at some weird time, we could attempt to accommodate them. The Veterans could still have their regular progression to help with getting guild accomplishments.

Just an idea. I would like to see the pros & cons of such a system and how well received this idea is. Give it some thought and post a response. I look forward to seeing what some of our more knowledgeable folks have to say about this.

You won't hurt my feelings...if its not well thought out say so. If it looks reasonable, say so. No bars held on my part but lets keep this a mature conversation without division and strife. Got it? Good.
I heard somone say that he missed the late nite raid group (Weds?), maybe we can resurrect that one. It can be for a crew who has no time contstraints and can raid for more than 2-3 hours. Of course finding someone to lead can be challenge. It doesn't have to be for EPGP, free rolls and pug a few spots if we have to.
I heard somone say that he missed the late nite raid group (Weds?), maybe we can resurrect that one. It can be for a crew who has no time contstraints and can raid for more than 2-3 hours. Of course finding someone to lead can be challenge. It doesn't have to be for EPGP, free rolls and pug a few spots if we have to.

kid, right now we raid icc as a guild, with raid leaders and yes its for EPGP. appreciate the feedback, guild leaders are considering some changing/updating in the next few days. stay tuned!
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Kewl, thanx Good. Hopefully it will be up and running when I'm back. :)

kid, right now we raid icc as a guild, with raid leaders and yes its for EPGP. appreciate the feedback, guild leaders are considering some changing/updating in the next few days. stay tuned!