Idea/Suggestion for guild level toon.


Active Member
So I was thinking about some of the best MMO launches I have been in were the ones where everyone had marathon sessions together and kept their levels the same as each other. Then as we hit the different areas of content and the instances, we always had Guildmates at that level to group with.

With a game like SWTOR and a staggered launch this may not be possible. The Xmas season will leave some with TONS of time and others with little play time. But we could make a version of it as a planned activity.

Idea: Guild Level Characters.

-Everyone makes 1 toon that is titled a "Guild Level Character" (GLC)
-Each week the Guild leader (or GLC officer) sets the new level cap for GLCs
-Through out that week everyone works on getting their GLC to the cap and does not go beyond it.
-The goal is to have the entire guild with a toon that is the same level as everyone else and available to group with.
-For most people this will be a fun ALT project but for some casuals this will be their main char.

Why this is worth doing?

Most of the content in SWTOR is easily soloable and due to the story line nature a ton of people will be soloing to take it at their own speed. This is great but will take away from the great fun that is to be had in constant grouping with guildmates.

With the GLC initiative, nightly you will feel part of something as people call out for GLC groups. You will be assured that the characters will be around your level and you can participate in the same quests with them. In fact the point of the whole thing is to help each other make it to cap each week to make sure that most of the Guild is able to do the same content at the same time.

Again the point is to encourage constant grouping with guildmates, so if you have already leveled your GLC to cap by the 1st half of the week, that doesn't mean you can't use your other toons to help those that can't get on till the weekend. While powerleveling is generally a "non desirable" under this type of situation a higher level could help any GLCs that need to knock out some things in order to make cap by that week.

This idea needs more work and if we develop it enough together and if Grim likes it we could launch it either officially or unofficially.

I dunno what do you guys think? Silly idea that I had late last night or worth considering? Please post positive ideas or criticisms that are helpful to fleshing out or tabling the idea.
One issue I see is that someone that joins 3 weeks after launch will be missing out unless they level fast. Someone that joins 1,5 months after launch will certainly miss the boat on this. Of course this happens regardless. I think an idea like this is great for the founders of the guild. It will help establish a nice core of founding players that group up with each other and help build each others characters. It should help from forming the smaller cliques that will develop by necessity if there is nothing in place to promote community.

I like that it would give all the starting players a reason to log in and be part of something. With so many guilds to choose from now on the Christian side, this would help establish a close knit core and set us apart from other guilds.
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-For most people this will be a fun ALT project but for some casuals this will be their main char.

I don't want limits on my main either. However depending on how fast I level my GLC may be my preferred character since I love to group with others.

The key would be how much to ask for level cap each week. You don't want people to burn out but obviously the faster the whole guild levels their GLC the more we can accomplish together with them.
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I could see this being good if you go at the pace of a casual player. If it's too fast some players that can't play nightly or every weekend would get lost in the dust.
Seems like a pretty cool idea to me. I'll have an alt in Called from Darkness, and no idea if I'd be able to keep up, but I think it's a nice way of giving people an option to group together. They can always level faster/slower if they want to, but if they value grouping up, then they know what to shoot for!
Cool, seems like enough interest to try it at some level.
I will try to clean the idea up some this next week and get a FAQ going for it.
Let me know any more suggestions on how to make it better.