"I'm New" <-- Yes it's true!


New Member
Hey y'all! I'm new to ToJ and the forums here. I'm looking to get an invite to Redeemed on Stonemaul.

I've searched vigorously for some type of new person format to post, and I didn't see much else other than saying "I'm new".

I'm not trying to break any rules or anything, but if you do indeed have a format, I'll gladly fill it out.

I've recently started playing Warcraft again. I transferred an old mage of mine (Deepspace) to Stonemaul, where my brother-in-law is currently playing. I'm newly married, so this is one way to not only have fun, but also get closer to a part of my new family.

Before I quit WoW over a year ago, I played at Vanilla and each of the expansions. I have an 80 Horde druid, ATV, on the Scilla server. I also have another 72 horde mage by the name of Deepspace.

I love everything from PvP (battlegrounds or open) to grouping and raiding, but I don't play near as much as I used to. I 'm a much more casual gamer.

I'm hoping to find a good group of believers that I can have good fellowship time with in game, not only working together to accomplish goals, but also handling the business at hand.

I just started the other day to level up from 70, so as of this post, I'm level 72.

If you have any questions for me, please let me know. Thanks!

I'm looking forward to joining and having fun with you all!

God bless,

Well, it appears you've applied and been accepted into TOJ, so just ask any Redeemed member to point you to an officer, and we'll be glad to help you out!
Welcome back to the game and welcome to the forums! Not sure which should scare you more
Thanks everyone! I haven't been on in a few days; lots of real world things going on. Longer hours and just busy time of year for my new family.

If I'm not forced to work this weekend, I should be on a little. I'll get a hold of your VoIP information and chat with a few of you if possible.

God bless~