I'm published (again)!


New Member
Hi all,

I've been on a rather long hiatus from online gaming in order to take care of an ailing family member...but I posted here last year when I had an article published in a secular gaming magazine and several folks seemed to enjoy it - so I wanted to let you know I have a new piece on the intersection of video games and theology that is this week's featured essay in Cardus's online Comment magazine.

It's called "Trash or Treasure - Video Games and the Cultural Mandate" and is a defense of Christians of integrity who play even violent video games. This is a great magazine full of thoughtful content all the time and I am very blessed to have had the opportunity to participate.

I would LOVE to get feedback on the thinking in the article as I believe it deals directly with many of the concerns we have as gamers and provides solid tools for thinking about games.
